Manny ASMR

He Confesses During a Sleepover | ASMR Boyfriend Roleplay [M4F]

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he Confesses During a Sleepover! | m4F ASMR

Back Story:

You’ve been friends for while and always been very open to one another. The both of you like to hang out on the weekends and he sleeps over often. The connection you two have stronger than most people deserve.  You two are total opposites yet you seem to get along. He’s a busy guy who likes to go out and party, and is constantly exhausting himself with his demanding work life and hectic social life. However, he sees you as his ocean of resolve. When he visits you to stay the night, he feels a sense of being recharged. It’s like he really just wants to stay in and live a more quiet and peaceful life, but doesn’t want to admit it.

It’s late at night and you find him waking you up. Something has clearly been weighing on his mind. He begins to speak from his mind and heart…

Extended Version on Patreon

Script: awake?.. I can tell you are lol… I noticed you seemed a little bit more bothered than usual tonight.. I think I can guess why.. and its ok…look.. we’ve been friends for a while and I appreciate how open we are with each other… I like how it is between us.. and I want  our relationship to be built on trust and honesty.. so I’m glad that we are able to maintain our friendship while.. being open and honest about how we still date and see other people as well… and we can still have our moments.. for intimacy.. to be close.. look.. I don’t want you to worry.. I don’t want to play games with you.. like I said..honesty.. I really mean that .. every word.. I only ever want to be 100% transparent with you.. and not any other way.. not at all.. so that’s why I’m open when I say that I do talk to other girls.. and that I go out with.. and I do have some moments with them as well..and I know we’re just friends but.. I’ve noticed that I don’t talk to them the same way that we get to talk.. the way we talk.. its really just for us.. the relationship we have mirrors no other that I have with anyone else.. Its different and I.. It is!…don’t you believe me?..come on

let me put it like this.. I get very.. tired.. Exhausted even.. I’m a busy guy.. I’ve got goals,and dreams.. I’ve put in my hours for my work.. take of myself.. take care of my health.. and take on the world everyday.. on my own.. and It I can feel overwhelmed at times.. don’t pity me.. I’m not complaining, just explaining.. look im not great at talking about this kind of stuff.. but sometimes.. I feel as if I can’t rest.. I can be hard on myself.. and when I’m out making my dent in the universe.. it’s taxing on the mind and soul.. and with all the things going on with my family.. you know.. ahem.. but what keeps my head up through it all and uplifts me is.. its really just simply thinking.. about when the weekend rolls around.. what I can look forward to doing and..who I can look forward too seeing.. and its really just knowing that I get to see you.. everyweekend.. I’ve come to long for these times.. I think to myself.. ‘just wait till you get to see her’.. and that’s makes things a lot easier for me.. you make things a lot easier for me.. it’s nice.. knocking on your door..  eagerly anticipating your arrival.. I its almost as if.. I can hear you just.. joyfully skipping over to the door.. excitedly..I love that.. knowing you’ll be there..always.. at the other side of that door..i appreciate it greatly.. and I’d like to think that.. you can count on me too!.. I want you to know that..i’ll be here for you too.. on the other side of that door.. and I mean that..I don’t make promises like that lightly.. and with those other girls..

 look I know.. but what we have.. the connection we have.. its just so much more.. its so much more genuine.. it feels reals.. I feel like when im with you.. I can.. finally.. rest.. that’s all I want..I just wanna.. feel as if I can.. put my guard down.. and escape from reality.. for even just.. a little while.. not gunna get too soft on you now lol.. I have to be a man afterall.. I know you hate it when I say but its not something I can argue against.. and thats fine.. I embrace it.. you have a lot to offer me you know.. just when I come over.. seeing you still in your pajamas lol..with your hair tied up.. we’re just so comfortable around each other.. I love our little sleep overs.. hanging out.. playing video games.. watch some movies.. watch some anime.. especially the one you introduce me too..well maybe not some of those super girly ones lol.. 

I just like seeing you enjoy the things you like..seeing you do things that make you happy make me happy.. and it feels authethic.. there isn’t anyone else who I’d want to just.. lay here with.. what you and I do.. its different.. we spend the nights together.. sometimes awake every hour of those nights lol.. how many times have we lost track of time.. its happened a lot.. I don’t mind though.. and were just having our conversations.. laying in the bed.. lights off.. whispering in each others ears.. just like we are now.. all the way till the sun starts to rise.. and the birds start to chirp.. and we just look at each other.. and laugh.. ‘not again!’…and I’d like the make the mistake with you every night if I could..and spend every minute of the night in calm tranquility.. under the moon and each others arms.. the night.. it’s a very special time between and man and a woman.. its where I can let my guard down.. and be vulnerable.. and bring our hearts closer to each other.. physically.. and emotionally.. .if only moments like these could last forever.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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