Manny ASMR

M4F: Extroverted Guys Asks You Out! [Strangers To Lovers]

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You were just strolling through the park while this dude was sitting on park bench listening to Julien Bakers album ‘Turn Out the Lights’ on his blue tooth speaker begins to talk your ear off. Here is what he’s got to say…


Hey let me ask you something… is the taste of music affected by the sound of the sunset? Okay I know it seems like a super strange question to ask a complete stranger but for some reason I just felt compelled to ask! Listen I mean you walked past me while I was trying to enjoy the sunset so you asked for it lol. Oh my god I didn’t mean to catch you off guard aha. How are you? Good? Typical answer I suppose, although I can already tell that you probably are feeling some type of other way on the inside. Don’t worry I won’t pry into the personal life of a stranger lol. But what am I doing? Well.. I came here to this park to check out the sunset.. with a thermos full of chai tea.. with my Bluetooth speaker while I listen to my favorite Julien Baker album. Yea I sort of wanted to create a little date for myself. Aha yea that’s exactly what I’m doing I’m on a date with myself. Yea I mean right now before you came I was literally just sat here with my Bluetooth speaker in park with a thermos of tea because I wanted to well.. figure out what I really want.. I mean a part of me always thought that what I want more than anything is success and prestige but I started digging a bit deeper why I was so obsessed with those things and why I had such ambitions goals.. I’ve been burnt out lately and this is the first day off I’ve taken in a long time. No for real I literally work like 7 days a week that’s the kinda guy I am. Oh I work for investment firm. Yea I’m stock guy. Wolf of wall street type stuff I guess you could say haha. But for real I literally worked on my birthday, voluntarily and was weirdly proud of it. Anyways, I hate to talk about myself too much but I burnt myself out.. Decided I needed to take my first intentional day off in over a year. Except.. I didn’t even know what to do with myself.. I legit had to relearn how to relax and have fun so I just let go of trying so hard.. and somehow I ended up here in this conversation with you ahaha.. but for really real what are you up to right now how has your day been.. okay.. okay.. well anyways… let me ask you a completely hypothetical question.

If I could give you a pocket that could give you whatever you want would you take it? Except it gives you want without you being able to ask. And the things it gives you are always going to be low value and could never truly fulfill you, but could give you a nice boost to your mood. Like some gummy worms or something. Okay but what if you pocket that could pull out amazing things? The catch is you can only pull something out if it came from true generosity and only if you desire to give the item to someone else. Then the item could be of infinite value. You have more power with the hand but only work from a place of selflessness. Which would you rather have? Answer honestly! Don’t pick the answer that makes you ‘feel’ like a good person that’s just lame be honest. Do you really think if you pick the gummy bear pocket you’ll get more out of life? I mean maybe if you pick the generous hand you’ll have so much to give that you end up receiving more no? Okay wait I wanna expand further on these 2 pocket choices. So we have the pocket that gives you what you want vs the pocket that gives others what they want. A gift for yourself of limited value based on things you THINK you want but don’t actually want.. or a gift for someone else of infinite value for someone else, giving them exactly what they want. Which type of pocket would you like? Okay so if I had to explain the first pocket.. let’s say you’re are craving candy.. and you reach in and you will get some candy.. simple! However after consuming the candy, you’ll be left to realize that it never really satisfied your craving because you never actually wanted the candy, you wanted relief from stress. Or you are super hungry and are cravings some tasty food. You hit up your friends and you all decide to check out this new restaurant in town. You’re super excited to try the food. But when you reach the restaurant, you don’t have any money! You heart starts to sink and you desperately want some cash! You reach into your magic pocket and out comes $20! Now you can enjoy your meal correct? Except there is a catch. You were only gifted the $20 because it would expose your true desires by giving you what you THINK you want, while also stealing from you the thing you actually want. By law of the universe and of the magical pocket, your friends will all have to leave super quickly right after you are seated in the restaurant, leaving you to have to your food completely alone! You try to enjoy your food but you now all of a sudden you can’t help but notice all the other tables and how happy all those other groups of people look sharing food with their friends and being all happy and what not and then it hits you.. ‘ohh I never really wanted the money or the food… I just wanted to spend time with people that I care about.. ohh’’. So basically you get what you ask for but never end up getting what you want. Instead you get a lesson in helping you to figure out what you really want. Yea honestly I’ve really been into this idea of figuring out what we really want. I’m started to wonder how many of us are actually doing what we actually want. I mean what we ACTUALLY want. Of course we make conscious choices and we may believe it in our bones that we actually want something but sometimes I wonder how much of it is really just a means to end and not really the end in and of itself.

So.. which pocket? Okay interesting choice I kinda knew you were pick that one to be honest aha.

But I have an even more important question now..  you like pierogis? Because I love pierogis. There’s like a pierogi restaurant just down the road. Uhhh there like these eurpoean dumpling things I think okay I never actually had them before lol. Okay stranger.. I propose that we take this weird spontaneous thing that were doing and make it officially and adventure. Yea lets go its gunna be fun!

Okay this is the place.. look shoot I’m just saying we can’t stay here for too long since I gotta get home and water my plants and stuff alright? Ohh uhh I suppose we could.. I mean I live right over there… hey listen are you sure your cool with going over to a strangers house? Oh guess it barely even feels like were strangers at this point.. Do you like having these kind of adventures with strangers? If so check out the video on the screen if you want more of this type of stuff lol. okay but look were just gunna go over to water my plants alright no funny business okay? Here.. take me hand.. aha don’t be shy now sweetie adventure awaits us!

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