Manny ASMR

M4F: Boyfriend Apologizes After Making You Cry

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After you and your boyfriend have an intense fight where he gets extremely jealous and chases you down the street, he is now begging you over the phone for you to meet him at a café so he can apologize to you in person. After much groveling over the phone you finally agree to meet him in person.

As soon as you enter the café, you see him speaking flirtatiously to a waitress who works there. This sets off some red alarms for you in your mind. However, he does give you a sincere apology that starts to get emotional. Right before you too seem to resolve things, an unexpected visitor storms into the café and begins to wreak havoc…


Come on babe please I’m begging you not to hang up on me! Please I’ve been calling all week why haven’t you answered? I know we had that argument last week but please you haven’t even given me the chance to apologize it’s not fair! Babe I’m so sorry for yelling at you! I’m sorry for not trusting you and being jealous. I shouldn’t have said all those horrible things to you like I did in the previous video but please, babe please, let me make it up to you. Give me a chance please.. you will? Okay meet me Moe’s café in an hour. I know I haven’t taken you out to and restaurant in a while… No I’m not trying to bribe you please don’t say that.. can we please meet in person? Okay.. thank you so much I’ll see you soon. Bye.


*door ring*


She’s not here yet, good. I’m glad I showed up early. I need some time to really journal my thoughts down on paper before she gets here. Let me just get seated in my favorite spot. The same spot we had our first kiss. Maybe it’ll help her remember the good times? I don’t know.. this is all so confusing and hard for me. Oh here comes the waitress.

Hello, how are you? That’s good to hear. Yes, I’m fine as well. Wait.. do I really not look fine? What makes you say that? Dark circles under my eyes? Yea I just haven’t slept to well lately.. Wait I’ve never heard someone compliment me before on looking tired. Is that a thing? I mean I’ve just never been told that dark circle really bring out the character of my complexion I uhh.. thank you.. (is she flirting with me?) You know you’re right I do have a lot of stuff on my mind.. I like to come here sometimes and just journal or write about my thoughts. Do you ever do that sort of thing? I find that it helps me I’ve been feeling anxious. Hey.. could I ask you something? Have you ever felt like you could love someone.. a little too much? Ahaha I know it’s a big question but it’s just been on my mind so much lately. Sometimes I just feel like I might just have this overbearing desire to be overly attached to people in my life. I just have this need to make sure that everyone around me is safe and protected. I never want anyone close to me to ever get hurt because if they did, I would almost blame myself personally. Does make sense? But sometimes I end up being too much a burden because of it and it becomes a serious issue for relationships.. sorry I don’t know why I’m saying all this.. I should’ve probably just ordered a coffee and minded my own business but.. I don’t know.. (she just put her hand over mine.. and it’s so soft and warm.. it’s been a while since I’ve felt touched in this type of way). Wow.. thanks so much.. I’ve haven’t met anyone else who’s such a good listener. Oh you’re just doing your job? Lol well if I was your boss I would give you a raise for sure since you’re totally exceeding company expectations aha. 

*text sound*

Sorry I gotta check this.. but thanks so much for the chat!

(Lets see.. it says she’s just out the café)

*Door ring*

Hey babe over here.. how are you? Did you have a safe drive? Are you tired? Hungry? Can I get you anything? Ohh.. Sorry I didn’t mean to come off so strong.. yea okay I got it I’m still on thin-ice with you.

But please lets sit down. Yea I got our favorite spot right here. What do you mean it’s not your favorite spot anymore? Yea I guess it’s direct view of the kitchen but so what? What do you mean you don’t like the way that waitress was talking to me? You saw that? Yea babe I was just talking to the waitress the way I talk to everyone. You know I’m a regular here right? Look please don’t be difficult and sweetheart come and sit down right now come on. Babe thanks for meeting me here I know you didn’t have to do that but I felt like I needed to apologize to you in person. Sweetie I’m so sorry for yelling at you last week. I know I was jealous and for some reason I didn’t trust you when you said you were done with your ex. I should have believed you but I just.. I guess I just too worried and I guess you just say I’m insecure. I know I don’t mean to be over protective but when you told me all the horrible things that he did to you I wanted to do everything in my power to keep you safe. I don’t like the fact that this guy is still trying to contact you and I don’t like he had the habit of always snapping at you. I’m afraid of you being put into danger again and babe please I want to protect you, always! I understand I can be overbearing sometimes but you know it’s because I care about you and you know it’s because I love you! I’m sorry if it seem like I’m being obsessed but.. okay.. listen.. listen babe I promise I won’t ever yell at you.. I promise I won’t get jealous about things and I promise that I will believe you when you tell me you are over your ex boyfriend. I promise I will okay babe? Look deep down I don’t what it is but I just have this stong desire to keep everyone around me safe at all times. Can I open up to you about something? Growing up.. I’ve had some family members that had some issues with self-destructive habits. I don’t wanna too into the details of it all but I’ve been put into the type of positions where I’ve been FORCED to protect people from themselves in order to keep them safe. There’s always been the type of pressure that been put on me to be one that carries that burden to make sure no body I love is ever in any kind of danger and this type of thing just stayed with me. Sweetheart.. I would take a bullet for you.. you know that? Come here.. take my hand.. please.. can we just start over? Yea imagine this is just like when first came to this.. click on the screen if you wanna relive the moment when we first met.


*Sounds of women screaming*

(Oh now what the heck is going on?)

Babe?! Is that your ex boyfriend? What the heck is he doing here? Did you tell him we were here? Ohe my god he’s gone freaking crazy! Oh my god babe get under the table please get under the table right now!

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