Manny ASMR

ASMR Tsundere Flirts In Detention! [Badboy x Goodgirl]

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ASMR Tsundere Flirts In Detention! [Badboy x Goodgirl]


You’ve seen him around, almost your whole life.. but you’ve never quite really known him. He’s got a reputation for being a real reckloose. Fighting, drinking and driving, vandalism, are all things he knows well. Always observing from a distance, you’ve cast him off as ‘just a jerk with a temper’. However, you’ve always wondered where that anger and urge to fight came. Why was it that everyone was scared of this guy? Is he really as scary and dangerous as everyone claims? Well, you’re about to find out whether you like it or not. You and this ‘mysterious bad-boy’ are stuck in detention together afterschool, with absolutely zero witnesses around…

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Hey.. you.. yea.. uhh.. you wanna tell me what your looking at? No for real you’ve basically been staring at me for a minute straight? Are you stupid? Didn’t think I would notice you? Yea lol. You look like a deer caught in headlights of something. Pfft. Weirdo.. hmm? Whatcha say? Why are you even talking to me? Huh? Well, why do you think I’m sat here in detention? You don’t think I could have found a better way to spend my afternoon? Well, why do you think I have these scratches and this cast? Got into fight. Yea so? Whats it to you? Why do I do it? Hmph, no ones ever asked me that. Well.. I mean I have to. It’s not like I got a choice or anything. Look this dude was disrespecting me. Yea this man was talking some next level smack. Its like bro, you tryna beef? you want these hands then yo, your bout the get slapped then still. Pfft. Waste man. Ugh damn.. still hurts.. what are you looking at? No its just a scratch.. I’m fine. No I didn’t go to the school nurse.. don’t need it, don’t want it. You think I need someone to take care of me? You think I want that? Like some kind of weakling? Its already bad enough that I have to wear this cast. What do you mean? Oh no.. no one has ever signed it. It’s not like I a need anyone to care about me. I’m used to it. Hey wait a second, whats that on you desk? Yea let me see that hey give it.. come on. Huh? Ugh? What is this? Were you drawing a picture of me? ugh!….. My ears are not that big! And look at the way you drew my hair! Hey im not done give it back. RIIIP.. well, whatever. It was a crap drawing anyways. What were you even doing drawing me like that. Weirdo. Yea whatever, call me a jerk. All you type of girls do that. Hm? Oh you know.. all you goody-two-shoes quiet girls who always sit up at the front of the class, get good grades and come from nice families. That type. You know, I never would have expected to see YOU in detention. Your probably missing or your after school anime club or nerdy crap right now lol. How do I know? Well, I saw that pin on your back pack. Yea this one right here. Yea the Fairy Tail pin. Unngh why does it matter that I know what that is? Look, I only watched that show cause it was on Netflix and I was bored okay? It’s not like I was streaming it off some website like or something. I’m not a weeb. Uggghn can’t believe I just admitted that. ANNYWAYS.. you didn’t tell me why you were here.. so?….. okay… I see… ahhhh.. you were caught cheating on biology exam, and now your stuck here in detention for the next few days.. yea I pretty much live here at this point..oh..interesting.. you claim you weren’t cheating? Yea right.. lol .. you know you’re a little too cute to be such a trouble maker lollolol.. If I were you this is how I would’ve cheated.. you just gotta write your cheat sheet on the inside of your thigh and whenever you need a peak you pull up skirt like this.. SMACK.. OW! Hey I ..ughn.. I was just pointing at your skirt.. I wasn’t gunna touch it. Jeez… man, you pack quite the punch don’t you lol.. 

How did you caught cheating anways? You just had the notes on you lap.. but didn’t even a chance to open them up? Oh you were gunna put them away before even attempting to cheat? I guess the guilt to got to you huh? lol Such a goody-two-shoes lolol. Oh it was Mr.Henderson that caught you? Ugh that dudes he’s a such dork.. ugh don’t you hate when he starts eating his friggin smelly lunch in the class room ?lol I knoooowwww his shirts are waayyy to tight. Like bro.. I don’t see all that.. lololol You know.. I’m just realizing something.. you actually look kind of familiar.. wait.. I know you!.. your that girl that lives across the street. Yea wait a second.. we’ve lived across the street from each other almost our whole lives.. funny.. this might be the first we ever spoke.. wait it isn’t? what do you mean we used to play outside together? When? Oh were like 4 years old oh lol then yea im not gunna remember that lol.. honestly I dont think remember anything before the age of 11.. too many knocks the head since then you know lol.. I seriously don’t really remember seeing you all that much.. really? You see me all the time? Like when?……. oh yesterday when I was helping my grandmother out of the car.. oh man you saw that? Ughh.. yea I know I was holding her hand to get up the steps.. shes old she needs my help.. NO! don’t do that don’t call me sweet I hate that. Don’t tell anyone that you saw me doing that. No it’s not a bad thing I understand but.. I don’t need anyone thinking I’ve gone soft.. once they think you’ve gone soft that’s when things get rough.. who? Don’t worry who.. mind your own business alright? RING…finally, detention is over.. hey.. do you need a lift? I mean were basically going the same way. So it’s not like it any extra effort. I wouldn’t offer if I had to do any more work than necessary. Just so you know. Alright lets go.


While walking over to the car-

Yea I don’t really know why that blue haired guy Jellal kept coming back. Yea they just sorta kept using that character over and over and they kept using the whole power of friendship thing. It got super annoying lol. Yea my car is parked over here. Cool. So hold on a second.. I noticed you’ve been gripping that sharpie marker the whole time. Why is that? A surprise? Uhhh. Look, can I even trust you lol? I mean you look cute but you look like trouble lol. Hmmm. Okay sure.. I’ll close my eyes. Hey that tickles lol what are you.. … I can open my eyes? Okay.. oh.. you signed my cast.. huh.. oh man.. did you have to draw a heart on it? Ughhh I told you don’t need anyone thinking I’m soft. Man, if any of these guys know I let pipsqueak like touch my cast.. man.. well.. whatever.. I guess its kinda sweet of you. Thanks.. hey.. I think I should give you a surprise as well.. but first.. you have to close your eyes..

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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