Manny ASMR

ASMR Tsundere Confession! (pt.2) [Badboy x Goodgirl]

Stalk Me:

ASMR Tsundere Confession! (pt.2) [Badboy x Goodgirl]


You’re back in detention with him. Round 2. He’s seems somewhat nicer to you this time, but he still finds ways to act like a jerk. He tries to find ways to connect with you but struggles. The tension between you two ensues further. However, as time goes on, he learns to soften down a bit and then things get really intense..

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 Ayyye look what the cat dragged in lolol.. ready for round 2?… what are you looking at me for? I didn’t save a seat for you.. sit where ever you want. Lol hey listen.. what happened yesterday.. yea lol that can’t happen again okay? Noo really.. you are totally gunna get me trouble again lolol.. hmmm you know.. you should start tying your hair back more.. do it now.. you almost always have a hair band wrapped around you wrist… use it.. there we go.. makes it easier to see your pretty face.. lol I like that.. besides.. I couldn’t stand getting your hair in my mouth when we were making out.. lol.. yea.. aww are you blushing?… haha you’re adorable.. stop looking at me.. you’re distracting me.. I’m trying to think right now..

Did I really used to know her? I can barely remember it..I can’t remember anything from before well.. maybe when .. no.. I don’t know.. ugh.. why am I even thinking about this dweeb.. well.. maybe hmm.. look at her.. look at the way she focuses so intensely on drawings.. theres something about the intensity in her eyes.. almost like shes in a deep flow state.. her expression.. there’s something about it…

Ugh what are you drawing this time? Hey don’t look at me like that.. don’t worry im not gunna try nothng.. ughh.. come on.. okay.. may I please see your drawing? No really.. I won’t make fun I promise.. cool.. let me see.. hmmm.. you’re drawing birds.. do you uhhh like birds? Ugh.. I mean like .. why are you drawing them?…you don’t know? Okay well how am I supposed to compliment you if you don’t give me any context? Ughhh… no I .. no never said I was gunna be nice.. you know what.. whatever.. look I.. okay..I like birds.. birds are free and yea.. I guess its fine that you don’t know why you are drawing them.. I guess really an artist doesn’t always know why they do what they do.. they just express themselves and allow for the art to birth itself into existence.. hmm.. well.. I do like your drawing.. its .. its nice.. do you like drawing? Okay.. yea.. I mean.. you look like you really like it.. something about the way you were focusing in on that piece of paper.. yea.. it was like you had no other thoughts in you head.. I mean.. if you ever have any thoughts in your head.. lolol.. but for real.. you seemed really undistracted.. even as I talk to you now I can see your paying attention to every word.. I like that..good on you.. paying attention is important.. hmm? oh yea no I didn’t go to the school nurse.. didn’t I tell you I don’t need no stupid nurse? Wait, you’re supposed to change bandages? Seriously? Like how often? Oh yea I never do that.. Look I don’t need to im not a wuss.. seriously.. what? No!! you can see my wounds… their private.. no its under my shirt and no you can’t see .. hey stop im not taking shirt off.. you would like that wouldn’t you.. ugh.. what are you supposed to be some type of doctor? Oh you want to be a nurse? Yea I don’t care..

ugh don’t give me that look… yea that look.. puppy dog eyes? Seriously.. okay let me ask you why.. tell me why and maybe ill listen.. oh okay well I don’t know.. I don’t know if I can believe you.. you say you .. you ugh.. you say you care about me?.. you barley know me..yea I know we grow up across the street from each other but still.. okay.. well.. you know what.. ugh.. cant believe im doing this.. ugh.. fine.. but.. what what’re even gunna do.. how are you so confident that you can actually help?.. okay.. huh.. no way.. you seriously carry around first aid supplies? Why is that? …… lolol you know what, it doesn’t surprise me at all that you claim to be clumsy lolol.. it totally suits you lol.. wow really? So clumsy you needed to started carrying around your own first aid supplies.. lolol thats actually kinda cute… ok ook.. here.. ill allow you change the bandages on my back.. okay.. don’t get too excited now.. and hey.. im a shy boy.. so please be gentle with me lolol… hey..uhnn.. don’t tickle me.. lololol.. soo um.. how does it look?.. is it bad?…yea.. okay.. so can you help then? Okay.. so what do you need to me to do? .. sure I can I stand here.. uhnnn.. hey careful… it still kinda .. you mentioned you like to take care of people.. why is that? .. I honestly don’t get it.. I thought everyone just looked out for least.. I don’t know.. I don’t get it.. I don’t get you.. but.. maybe I’d like to.. ugh.. whatever.. okay.. are we almost done?.. yea?.. okay.. hmm.. so this is was fresh bandages look like.. damn.. are those my old ones? Yikes.. I .. I didn’t realize how red they would be.. woah..


Alright.. that’s the end of that.. finally..hey so.. I assume you coming with me then..? ..yea cool.. let bounce..




Its my car.. so we enjoy my tunes.. got it.. hey close you door properly.. come on.. lets goo.. beautiful day.. man look at that sun set.. *police sirens*.  Oh man.. those better not be going to my house.. you lived across from me for years so.. you probably seen the cops over at my place plenty  of times.. yea I know.. I’ve seen all the neighbors looking through the windows.. whatever.. yea I know.. I know the rep we have in the neighbourhood.. hey listen.. that thing you said earlier.. when you said.. when you said you cared about me.. yea.. listen.. you better not have been lying to .. ugh.. I won’t forgive you if you were pranking me.. lol .. I don’t even care to be honest though.. I wonder if I’ll get tired of driving down these streets.. growing up here was something else.. but ..i don’t know.. a part of me just wants to get away from it all.. a really big part of me.. too many memories.. you know something.. the more I think about it.. I think im slowly starting to remember.. yea.. I think I can almost remember ..  a clumsy little girl.. who used to love playing with sidewalk chalk… drawing clouds and birds and playing hopscotch.. on the other side of the road.. and the just would draw all day and night on the sidewalk..I think I almost remember that little girl.. yea.. huh.. I don’t why it took all this time for those memories to back to me.. but you know.. maybe it’s just too difficult.. that was long ago.. before my dad lost his job.. I swear it’s gotta be the hardest thing to lose your job on account of the economy.. especially when all you’ve ever really known was working long hard days on a construction site.. that sort of when dad started drinking a lot more.. and also just before he left us for the first time.. I tell ya.. it’s hard having you care about coming in and out of your life like that.. really forced me grow up fast you know.. it was tough.. livin on benefits.. yea man.. it just left me with the anger.. this hurt.. that I just cant seem to let go of.. damn.. for some reason.. being around you.. I.. its almost as if.. I can remember what is was like.. before my life was just down bad.. you just remind of a time when I actually felt calm.. when I actually felt.. at peace.. hmm. its so strange.. maybe.. well.. we’re just down the road from our stop.. yea I wanna pull over here quick.. hey.. hey.. listen.. I don’t what the words are to describe what im feeling right now.. but.. you need to come here.. I need to kiss you.. uhhnn.. yea…

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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