Manny ASMR

ASMR Comforts You When Crying!

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ASMR Stranger Comforts You When Crying! [Comfort][Sweet]

Extended Version on Patreon

Story: You just received the worst phone call of your life. You were sat in your car, ready to go home right before it hits you. Now you are in shock and can’t find it in you to put the key in the ignition and drive home. You turn on some heavy rock music to drown the emotions only to interrupted by a stranger. He noticed you crying and wanted to say something to you. He says:


Hey.. Hello?.. Yea Hi.. Umm Hey.. I was just walking by and well.. I mean at first I heard some pretty good tunes coming from your car lol but I then I noticed you and.. well.. I saw that you looked upset..yea.. I saw that you were crying.. and.. well.. I couldn’t just walk past you without asking if you if everything was alright..well.. is everything alright? Is there some kind of emergency? Do you need me to call someone, or do you need any money? Look I don’t mean to disturb you or anything, seriously. What was that? Bad news? Oh I see okay.. and it was just a moment ago that you got it? Wow I see..Look, I’m sure it’s personal to you so I won’t ask you too much about the details, but something ive learned in my life about receiving bad news, is to always remember that when one door closes, another door always opens. I know it sounds cliché, but I always found it to be true. Just depends on the way you look at it. Look, you seem like more of logical type person, so let me try explaining it to you like this. Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. Lol I don’t mean to just throw quotes at you. Seriously I’m just trying to cheer you up. Look if you want me to bounce I can it’s problem? Oh yea sure I can stay for a while, if you insist. Hey do you like hot chocolate? I know a place just over there. If you’d like to chat some more, I’d love to treat you to some. Yea? Okay cool lol you look happier already!

In the café:

It’s been a little while since I’ve come here. Mom & Pop dinners are cool but I kinda wish there was a starbucks close by lol. Except if we went to a starbucks, we’d have a bunch of people asking us we could watch their laptops. I always found that so strange that people would ask complete strangers to watch their belongings. Yea last time some hipster asked me to watch his stuff I just told em like dude, I’ll watch it but if some lazy-eyed hobo comes in and lifts it, I can’t be bothered to get into a scrap for a strangers macbook lol. He luckily had a good sense of humor. Okay lets grab our hot chocolates and find a seat. Preferably away from that fighting couple over there. Yea seriously those two are really goin at it sheesh. Okay, so how are you feeling right now? A little better I suppose?.. Yea that’s good to hear. You know, if you don’t mind me asking, what actually happened to cause you to feel so upset? Bad news about your health? Oh man.. that’s heavy.. a tumor? Oh my god.. was it caught early? Oh it was good, thank god. That’s gotta be super scary. I completely empathize. I can’t imagine what you’re going through at the moment. But hey.. listen.. you said that they don’t know if it’s malignant or benign, so that means there’s still hope. That should make you smile, no? But I understand, easier said than done. What was going through your mind when you first got the news? Numbness.. yea.. and denial.. alright.. it sounds like you really tried to stay above feeling anything.’s like you tried your best to break things down rationally and keep it cool and level. But that can be struggle, like you said. What did you feel afterwards? What were you thinking about? Ohhh yea I can understand.. wasted time. Sometimes we rarely think about the time we have until we have something to remind of how short life really is. I’ve always read in those stories of people who had near death experiences, that they tend to get a revamped view on living. You know that James Dean quote, ‘Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today’? Yea that’s gotta our new motto for you for now on lol. Hold fast unto dreams okay? You have any dreams for the future? Like in terms of what you want to be doing in your life. I’ll give you some time to think about it. Wow so like a scientist? Or something like that? Yea honestly I got that vibe. Yea the vibe that you like biology and animals and the environment and stuff. And that you’re into your academics. The lack of certainty can be troubling for sure. I can imagine it would hard to concentrate on school and work and what not. Maybe you could take some time off for a while? You deserve it. Hey listen, no you gotta care of yourself mentally and emotionally too. Don’t worry at all and don’t feel guilty about it. You need time to process all of this and it’s fine. No shame and no guilt sweetheart. Oh yea your’re right its pretty late. Okay sure. Let me walk you to your car.

Hope you’re feeling better now. It can be nice to talk about these things instead of letting them ruminate in your heads. Yea.. honestly you seem way happier now. I’m glad. Here we are. Hey listen let me give you phone number in case you ever need someone to talk to again. There just texted myself. Oh! And you’re a hugger wow.. hey listen, everything is gunna be alright, okay? You’re brave, you’re a trooper, and you WILL get through this. Believe me. Don’t give up on hope. Never give up on hope.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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