Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend Takes of You When Sick

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ASMR Boyfriend Takes Care of You When Sick

Back Story:

You’ve been up all night with a fever, and have barely gotten even a minutes rest. The runny nose, sore throat and a raging headache leave you feeling tired and distraught, unable to even get yourself out of bed. You pick up your phone and open up your contacts. Tempted yet hesitant, thoughts begin to cloud your mind.

‘Should I?’ you think. ‘Should I call him?’

You hesitate. You feel your anxiety start to creep back up. You start to question yourself.

‘I look terrible’ you think. ‘I wouldn’t want him to see me like this. Isn’t it too early in our relationship? Would I be bothering him? He’s probably busy. I’m fine anyways.’

Suddenly, the old familiar tingle returns to your upper nostrils, and you let out the most explosive, head-spinning sneeze the world has ever seen. This sneeze that left you so distraught, you barely noticed the sound of your phone ringing. You look over to your device to verify it isn’t  Michael from Air Duct Cleaning Services calling your again for the 50th time this month. You see his name, and your heart almost skips a beat. (No it’s not Michael).

‘I don’t want him to hear my voice when it sounds like this’ you think. ‘But I’d love to hear his voice…’

Extended Version on Patreon



Hello?.. Hey.. what’s up.. I wanted to check in on you and see what you’re up to. I had a great time with you last weekend and… oh.. oh dear.. you don’t sound too good.. Is everything alright.. oh. I’ve been up all night with a fever.. poor thing.. well hopefully you have someone there to help you and.. what? No. you can’t be alone.. you just said you can barely get out of bed.. look.. im coming over.. no.. don’t argue with me.. look ill be there as soon as I can.. ok? Hold tight..


Hey.. knock knock.. it’s me.. I’m here.. I see your still laying in bed.. that’s good.. you should have told me you were sick.. such a goof.. here I’ll take a seat on your chair.. I sorta want to keep my distance for now..I wanted to ask .. well.. how are you feeling?.. and .. when did it start.. ok.. I see.. so last night you had the sniffles.. and.. it just escalated.. ohh.. well.. have you felt any better since last night?.. have you taken any medicine or.. you have.. good.. here.. let me see what you took..hmm?.. that’s funny..this is isn’t cold medicine.. you dummy, this is a diuretic!.. lolol.. did you even know that?lol.. of course not lol.. such a silly goose..  at least now we know why you’ve been up all night lol.. such a dummy..your just lucky I came.. here.. I brought some actual cold medicine..and some cough you need some? If so.. here.. take it.. go on.. why are you looking at me like that..? don’t tell me you can’t open a child proof container lol.. oh come one.. your just messing with me.. ugh..fine.. here.. I’ll open it.. so.. what are you waiting for.. I usually just drink it straight from the bottle..oh my still looking at me with that face.. stop!.. you can’t be serious..really.. your arms are too weak to hold a spoon?.. come on.. okay.. okay.. fine.. ill feed you.. scoot over.. ill need some room on your bed.. okay.. I got the spoonful..alright.. ugh.. can’t believe im doin this..  your being so dumb.. we’re only doing this once.. so.. open it comes.. yea..I don’t care if you don’t like the taste.. im gunna make sure you swallow every..last..drop.. do it.. lol.. good girl.. let me see, open your mouth, I wanna check.. I need to make sure you did what I asked.. okay.. your clean.. 

let me grab my bag.. I’ve got some other stuff.. hm? Oh yea.. it’s a thermos.. so what?..well.. um.. I.. uh.. it’s chicken soup..yea I um.. brought it for you.. but.. I had planned on making it before I even knew you were sick!.. so.. so don’t think I made it for you specifically okay!.. you’re not that special.. but.. I still wanted to share with you.. since I know it can help with your recovery.. look.. you better let this go to your head.. oh yea.. why am I not surprised.. your too tired to feed yourself.. yea shocker.. alright.. alright.. ill feed you.. there appears to be a theme for this evening.. here.. have a wiff of this soup.. smells good no?.. yea.. I made it myself.. why are so shocked I know how to cook?!.. whats that supposed to mean..that’s not fair.. this is actually an old family recipe.. yea.. from my mothers side.. she would slow cook the chicken over night create the broth.. and of course would throw in all the essential vegetables.. she only ever really liked the broth.. and never really like the meat.. and so.. she would allow me.. and only me.. to have some extra chicken in my soup.. and.. it always made me feel.. a little bit special.. when I was a kid.. my mother would often make this soup for me whenever I felt sick.. and she would feed me..  and even if I never really needed her to.. I always just kind of.. wanted her too.. I.. I really miss her.. but.. *sniff*.. I’d rather we just change the subject.. here.. ill pour some for you.. okay.. open wide.. here you go.. how’s it taste?.. I hope you like it.. not that I really care.. Oh.. you do like it.. well.. im glad.. what would you do without me ..right?.. 

so.. the reason I was calling earlier was.. well.. I honestly just wanted to tell that.. I really.. really enjoyed the time we spent last weekend.. and I was calling you today.. because.. I was wondering if you would be interested in having a picnic in the park this afternoon.. well.. yea I guess we’re gunna have to post pone that date idea.. yea.. I wanted to make us some ham sandwiches.. and maybe some potato salad.. ugh.. again, why are you so surprised I know how to cook?.. lol come on.. I was also thinking I could bring my camera and we.. could.. do some photography.. dress well lol.. I love that floral print sundress you were wearing.. when.. we first met.. at the farmers market that one fine day.. yea.. that’s sort of why I worked up the courage to approach you that moment.. plus.. you were standing right next the strawberries.. so maybe it was just the strawberries that caught my attention.. and you were just an afterthought?.. lol..just kidding..

here.. take another spoonful of soup.. you know something.. I saw something in your face when I started describing our potentially picnic date.. you seem really enticed by it.. yea.. or maybe it was the mention of ham sandwiches that caused those big beautiful eyes of yours light up.. lol.. we both like food.. we definitely have that in common..speaking of food.. lets finish up this soup.. open up.. yea.. there we go.. all done?.. good.. I hope your belly feels nice and warm now.. I’m sure you’ll make a speedy recovery in no time.. I can tell you’re a tired.. no.. listen dummy.. you need rest.. here.. let me get a little closer..feel my hand rub your back.. it’ll soothe you to rest.. yea.. and when you wake up.. you’ll feel much better.. im sure..take care..

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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