Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS When He Thinks You’re Cheating!

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ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS When He Thinks You're Cheating!

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Your in the middle of hot and steamy shower before your boyfriend rudely interrupts you by barging into the room and demanding answers. He has been snooping on your phone and he finds out that you have been texting some random dude to meet up with you at a Moe’s Café. You can’t stand to keep secrets from him any longer so you give him the whole truth…


I can’t freaking believe this! These text messages just keep coming in! Is she cheating on me? Who’s this guy she’s meeting up with? “Will meet you at Moe’s in an hour”. What the heck is going on?! I can’t believe this my girlfriend is cheating on me?! But why? And who the heck is this guy? Is it wrong that I was snooping on her phone? Does that make me possessive or something? Oh my god I can’t believe this no this can’t be happening to me right now I can’t handle something like this right now! No maybe I’m over thinking everything.. maybe it’s all a misunderstanding.. maybe this is like her brother or something.. wait.. she doesn’t have a brother I don’t think… and top of that she told me she was just going over to a friend’s house so why would she lie? Why would she lie?! I remember catching her snooping on my phone a couple days ago and it was really weird… I feel like something weird is going on.. oh god what do I do? Maybe I gotta calm down bit.. god where the heck are the Oreos? Wait a second? Who ate the freakin Oreos? Okay you know what this is where I draw the line. Where the heck is she?

Babe open up! Open up I don’t care if your showering I gotta talk to you! Babe open it right now! What do you mean 5 more minutes? You think the audience at home has the attention span for that? Screw this Imma do what I want. Hey! Hey stop screaming its just me not a freaking psycho killer. quest que c’est. Anyways I was gunna come in here because of one reason but turns out I have 2. We’ll start with most important. Did you or did you not.. finish off all of the oreo cookies? Jesus Christ woman I swear you never listen to me! Those were double stuff! I called dips on the last row! What am I supposed to have for dinner now! Fruit salad?! Are you insane?! I can’t believe I let you make me where a tutu last week. Gawd! Anyways we got another problem on our hands. I looked at your phone. Do you mind explaining what the heck is going on? You told you were heading over to your friends house but now I can fully see your heading over to Moe’s with some dude. Who is this some dude?! And why are you lying to me? huh what? Sorry I couldn’t concentrate I was staring at your melons. *slap* Ayo can we not do that right now we need to talk about this. Who is this guy?! Huh? why are you meeting up with him? What do you mean its nothing?! How could it be nothing if you felt the need to lie? What do you mean you could have predicted I would act this way? That’s non-sense I am a very reasonable and calm person—Oh my god are you using my body wash?! Why you tryna smell like a dude baby girl Old Spice aint for you and your kind! Remember the time you borrowed my AXE body spray and totally went overkill? You stunk worse than a delinquent kid is trying not the smell like weed after toking in the boy’s room. Anyways would you please stop changing the subject?! Look just tell me who this guy is and we can leave it be. I swear to god I won’t be mad. No no no I swear to god I won’t be mad for real come on just tell me the truth I won’t get mad! Wait.. this was the dude who.. no babe.. what are you saying.. no.. what?!… why were you hiding this from me? what is wrong with you? Why wouldn’t you tell me? I could’ve handled this. What do you mean you were afraid? Afraid of what? Afraid me? what are talking about? You were afraid I was gunna do something? Why would you think that? Look I can’t believe. My dog was run over by a freaking car. I lost my best friend to some runaway driver.. and when that culprit comes in and confesses that he’s guilty you don’t tell me? How dare you! How dare you hide this from me! you don’t have any right! You don’t have any right whatsoever! Don’t you remember what happened to my dog? If you can’t remember, just click on the video on the screen and you can get reminded. I can’t believe this! When did he contact you? When?! Give me answers I demand answers I deserve answers!  I have every right to be mad at you! Do you not know how badly it hurt for me to lose my best friend? How much I cried and how much I trusted you during my time of vulnerability? I don’t feel like you understand at all.. I feel like you don’t even care.. fuck.. babe.. what the fuck.. how could you.. how could you.. why are you touching me?

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