Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend Snaps & Cries When He Forgets Anniversary! [Argument] [Apology]

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ASMR Boyfriend Snaps & Cries When He Forgets Anniversary! [Argument] [Apology]

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You’ve been giving this idiot the silent treatment all day. You’ve reminded him countless times to remember your anniversary. Of course, he forgets all about it and even has the audacity to snap at you when give him the cold shoulder. It seems like your boyfriend has issues with being ignored. Perhaps it stems from some kind of childhood trauma? He begins to SNAP at you which drives you to tears and causes him to storm out of the house. Here is how it all unfolds:

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Why are you doing this? Hello? For god sake woman is this just a normal thing for you? I don’t get it. Last night we were having such good time. What did I do this time, huh? I didn’t cheat in monopoly like did before so you’ve got no reason to be acting like this. You’ve been so quiet today. Why aren’t you talking to me? Come on, I hate this! Its just always freakin hot and cold with you? What was that? Did you say something because I can barley hear ya. For real why do you do this? You can’t just ignore me like this. Why do you keep asking me that? I already told you its Saturday. You’re not making any freaking sense you asked me that like ten times already and I already told you, Saturday! SAT-TUR-DAY? Are you stupid?  Where are you going? What was that? Special day? What does that mean like you got your period or something? Ayo don’t slam the doors! Sheesh.. whatever this girls is freaking nuts I can’t stand all the arguing. I need to blow off some steam I’m just gunna go for a drive.


I swear to god I’m gunna get a heart attack from all these fights. *sigh*. *phone rings*. Man I probably shouldn’t talk on the phone and drive at the same time but whatever. Wonder why this dude is calling me.

Phone call:

Hello? Hey man whats up? What are you talking about?  Did I really tell you that? I told you to remind me about my anniversary with my girl? No freaking way you gotta be kidding me? For crying out loud couldn’t you sent me a text about last or something? Nah dude look it’s fine I just got into a huge fight with her just now. Yea omg looks dude I gotta go.

Oh my god.. I’m so friggin stupid! How could I be so dumb. It’s only once a freakin year and I couldn’t keep in my calender and I had to rely on someone else to remind me? I couldn’t even remember my own anniversary. Jesus I’m such a fool. I’m her boyfriend. How could I forget her anniversary? I swear I screw everything up. God! I can’t get up on time, I keep getting late for work, I’m just such an idiot I can’t do anything. It’s like my brain just doesn’t wanna work with me. I freaking hate this ADHD mind I got going on. And the worst part is I yelled at her. Like, why the heck did I do that? I just hate being ignored.. But that doesn’t give me the right. And I even made her cry. Look I’ll just stop this park over hear and pick some flowers. I can fix this I know I can!


Okay I just pick some random ones and put em together. Yea I can make this better, I can make this better, I can make this better… I can—- ugh..whats the point? Even if she forgives I’m just screw it all up again somehow… the relationship is only thing I’ve going on right now in life that actually seems worthwhile. Yet for some reason I can’t seem to get it to work… ugh.. I hate this.. huh? Why is that girl over there lookin at me? I can see she’s giving me faint smile. And … it look like she’s been crying too. What is she doing just sitting on the bench all alone crying to herself? Maybe her boyfriend forgot her anniversary too.. for christ sake.. what an awful day. It’s just sadness all around. Maybe I could.. would it be weird if I? Well.. lets just see.. Hey.. Hey excuse me… I… I was picking these flowers.. for someone.. and… well.. I saw you here crying all alone and… well.. here.. maybe you’d like one.. aswell… look.. I gotta go now.. but.. take care.. alright?

Hello? Babe? Are you home? Anyone here? Damn… it looks like she left. Huh? what the hell? It looks like she took all her stuff with her… oh god…. Did I really mess everything up? Noo.. god.. I deserve this.. I do I deserve this.. I don’t deserve her.. no.. I’m such a dummy.. theres… no way she’s coming back.. why would she?… all I do is yell and make her feel bad.. she has no reason to come back.. imagine what it’s like when your boyfriend snaps at you after he forgets your anniversary.. that’s just awful.. I can’t believe I snapped at her while forgetting our anniversary. I won’t blame her for dumping me.. Imagine getting dumped on your anniversary.. I guess if you want to know what that is like, you could check out the end card that’s popping up on the screen right now..

*Door bell rings*

The door? Is that her? Omg babe is that you? Babe? Omg sweetheart hey look.. please.. no.. please look at me… what do you mean you just came back to grab some stuff? No please I remember now! Please I remember now! It’s our anniversary! Happy anniversary! Happy anniversary! Happy… anniversary….. fuck… sweetie… please… I’m so fucking sorry… I know I’m a fucking idiot.. I know.. I fucked up.. I forgot our anniversary because I’m just such a dumbass.. And sweetie im so sorry I yelled at you.. please I am.. I know I shouldn’t have yelled.. I deserved getting the silent treatment.. I did… please.. look.. I got you these flowers? Do you like them? Please… babe say yes.. please.. I said I was sorry.. for fucks sake please im begging you to forgive me.. I take for granted I know I do.. please.. babe come here.. *kiss*. Please.. *kiss… forgive me… I’m so sorry.. *kiss*. Im never gunna fucking forget our anniversary ever again… *kiss* I swear… I swear to fucking god.. *kiss* please I won’t yell at you like that anymore… *kiss* I won’t.. you don’t deserve that.. you don’t deserve that at all…*kiss* *kiss*please babe come close to me.. *kiss**kiss* we can forget about all this cant we? We can start again.. can’t we? *kiss**kiss* oh sweetie.. thank you… thank you for forgiving me…*kiss* sometimes I don’t really feel like I can forgive myself.. *kiss*

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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