Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS & Abandons You! [Argument][Apology]

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ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS & Abandons You! [Argument][Apology]

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Story: He agrees to pick you up from your counselling session but can’t seem to do so without having a bad attitude about it. After showing up late and making wait alone in the dark for over an hour, he tells that he doesn’t want to take you to counselling anymore. You too begin to argue and he begins to snap at you, catching the attention of a by-stander. The bystander intervenes and eventually sends your boyfriend off. He drives away quickly with his blood boiling. However with enough time, he begins to contemplate.


Hey I’m here. What’s your problem? I’m not that quit late your whining. Its not even cold. Listen yea whatever look I gotta talk to you about something. Yea its this whole counselling thing. Its over. Naw its over listen, listen to me right now little lady. I’m sick and tired of having to drive over hear for this crap. You’re just wasting your time with this stuff. Look I can get you a journal if that’s what you want. You want a teddy bear? I can get you that too. I’m not yelling at you! Could you stop being such a drama queen?! I already told you this was your last session. Look you’re getting on my nerves. Just get in the friggin car already! Just get in the car. Get in the car we’re going home! How am I scaring you? Hurry up! Holyyy. What? Wait a second? Who the hell is that? Ayye buddy look theres nothing to see hear. Dude,who the hell are you? What you think you’re just gunna walk up here and be some time type of hero or something? Running up like that? Get outta hear! What do you think you’re gunna do? Swoop in like Superman? Save the damsel in distress? Take her as your own? Huh? Is that what you’re tryna do? Nah she aint scared of me. Nah she’s just being a pain in the butt right now. Babe, I’m not scaring you am I? Babe? Um. Ok whatever. You know what… I’m gunna dip outta here then alright. I don’t even care.


I swear to god if weren’t for this busted head I woulda taken that dude right out then and there. Who the hell does he think he is? Trying to take my girl like that? She’s been such a brat lately I swear to god. What does she even need to go to stupid counselling for anyway? She can talk to me right? Right? What is she even gunna learn from there anyways? Dude I’m just so freaking pissed off right now. The light’s green you freaking jag-off! Dude its too late at night to be having this road rage right now. Naw screw it, I’m cutting him off. Haha! Eat my dust! Ah, crud. Didn’t need for that to happen. Good thing for me, this baby’s got twice the power of cop car. Catch me if you can! Haha!


Well that drive definitely blew off some steam. Honestly I couldn’t remember why I was so angry to begin with. I need some milk. I can imagine what she would say right now if she saw me drinking milk straight from the carton. ‘Ew! Get a glass! There’s like 6 million germs in our mouths!’ It’s like babe, you we’re complaining about germs whenever I’m kissing you up and down your collar bone. Damn, why did I just abandon her like that? And with a stranger? Am I insane? Well I’m talking to myself out loud so maybe a little. Okay so I gotta think this through. I mean, its not the first time I let my anger get the best of me. So what’s going on with me? Is it stress at work? Lack of sleep? I mean it might be but, those are just excuses. I’m such a jerk. If I keep this up I’m probably gunna lose her. I can’t have that. I can’t lose her. I wonder if she’s with that other random guy right now. God, am I jealous? No. It can’t be I would never be, never. I just feel so terrible right now. I feel so sick to my stomach. Who am I? Why would I do this to her? I seriously gotta rethink everything I did tonight. Why can’t I just be like a normal guy? Like a normal boyfriend? I don’t know how to do anything without screwing it all up. The guilt… why is so strong all of a sudden? Maybe the milk was sour? No don’t be stupid! I’m such an idiot! I’m not even sure if I deserve her at this point. Or anyone for that matter. I’m just a brooding lonely guy. That’s what I was before she came into my life. Maybe that’s just who I am meant to be. No, no, no. I can’t go back to being that way. I can’t go back to living that kind of life. The emptiness.. I couldn’t handle it. No I can’t do that now. I don’t even want to think about that. It’s not and option. What should I do now? Should I call her?  Yea I’ll try that. Damn it looks like her phone it turned off.  I guess I’m just gunna have to go and find her. And apologize for sure. She definitely deserves and apology.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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