Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend is Jealous, SNAPS, & Apoligizes! [Argument][Apology]

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ASMR Boyfriend is Jealous, SNAPS, & Apoligizes! [Argument][Apology]

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Story: Your boyfriend has been really jealous lately because he suspects you’ve been talking to another guy. He confronts you about it and urges that you tell him the truth. You feel hesitant to reveal too much to him because of his tendency to lose his temper. He feels suspicious that you might be talking a guy who has gotten in the way in the past…


Hey! Where’ve you been? Naw tell me exactly where you’ve been. What’s with you? You’ve been leaving the house randomly without even telling me. You come home late at night and don’t even greet me when you get back. Whats’s going on with you? Why can’t you just be straight up with me? Did I do something wrong? You want me to say I’m sorry I’ll say it but you don’t even want to talk to me it’s getting ridiculous. Jesus Christ you are just unbelievable. Look when couple have fights there supposed to work things out right? Isn’t that what you told me? You’re not even keeping your own promise! Who are texting? Why are always texting someone now? Oh my god.. LOLOLOL ok yea yea ok I got it now its so obvious. Whats his name? Tell me his name. No tell me his name. Naw don’t worry sweetheart I aint gunna do nothing I just wanna know this dudes name. What do you mean theres no guy? There has to be! Yea there is you’re lying! Why do keep lying! Stop it! It doesn’t make any sense. None of this makes any sense. I don’t need to calm down! Shut up! Therapy? What’re you nuts?! What are you trying to say about me? NO. I don’t need help. Oh my god you making me so mad right now you have no idea. Hold on. Was it dude from before? You know that random dude who just showed up last time I was picking you up from your counselling thing? I swear god woman If I find out its him.. Hey come on don’t cry.. I’m sorry I.. no babe come back I’m sorry…

Thoughts: Ugh.. I did it again.. not again..

Phone: Hello? Oh hey how’s everything? Hey you sound like you’re crying. That’s means everything isn’t okay. What’s the matter? Another fight? Oh no.. you wanna come over? Right now? Yea sure I can pick you up.. sure I’ll get there as soon as I can. No problem. Okay. Hang in there alright? Ok bye.


*Knock on the door…*


Hey babe. Listen can we talk? Hey please no please I swear I calmed down. I did I calmed down. I hate that I keep doing to this you. I don’t know how to stop. I want to stop. I don’t know whats wrong with me. Honestly before I met you, I didn’t even really know that there was anything really wrong with me at all. No for real I didn’t know whatsoever. Look growing up, this is kinda just what was normal to me. It’s the way my parents were with each other. I guess.. I guess I thought this was just how people were supposed to act. I’ve never told you this, but I there was this one time when I was a kid, maybe like 7 years old or so and I was being a brat because I didn’t wanna eat my vegetables or whatever. And I was whining and everything about it. Eventually my mother gave in and she said ‘fine, you don’t have to eat your vegetables this time. And my dad overheard this and well.. he wasn’t too happy about this. He started getting really mad at my mom. Like really mad and he.. well.. he grabbed her.. and pushed her.. and she fell on the stairs, like her back hit some of the steps. And these were like ceramic steps so they were pretty hard. I still remember the way she was grabbing onto her own back and how she screamed. I remember crying the whole time feeling like it was my fault for all of this. All because I didn’t wanna eat my vegetables I made all of this happen. It was my fault. I remember my sister coming in the room afterwards, and seeing my sobbing to myself at the dinning table and she said umm ‘stop being such a crybaby’. It was pretty bad. You know something? I don’t respect you the way you deserve. No listen, you don’t even understand how much I’ve learned from you. I should be more grateful of you. Gratitude. That’s what I need. I never really thought about it much before. So what if life isn’t perfect? We gotta make the best of what we can. And you know I’ve decided I changed my mind about the counselling thing. Yea. You know I know you’ve talked to me about it before and how I would probably benefit from it. I know that I’ve always brushed it off in the past but.. I think I’m starting to see now that I really should start talking to someone. Like seriously this sorta thing can’t go on. But look I don’t really know a whole lot about this type of stuff. So.. I was thinking.. maybe I could go with you next time? Yea I was thinking we could go together. Yea? Cool that’s sounds great. Oh you were gunna head? Oh yea you just visit you mom yea that’s cool. Do you need me to give you a ride? No? Alright. But hey look, before you go, I just to just come here for a second. Just for a second come here.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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