Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend in the Hospital [Reverse Comfort]

Stalk Me:

ASMR Boyfriend
in the Hospital

Back Story:

He’s silent. He hasn’t returned your calls. He said he’d be home over 2 hours ago. It’s getting late. You’re beginning to wonder if he ditched you to hang out with his friends. “Screw him”, you think. You begin getting ready to go to bed. Just as your about to hop in the shower, you hear the phone ring. “I can’t wait to give him a piece of my mind!” You hear his voice. He doesn’t sound like he’s enjoying himself. He actually sounds like he’s in pain. Your heart begins to beat quickly as he begins to explain himself…


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Hey.. babe.. it’s me.. what?.. ah.. yea I know.. it’s late.. look.. I was just on my way over.. and.. I was trying to drive over quickly.. and I wasn’t thinking.. I was reckless..I’m so sorry.. *breathes* I.. got into an accident.

In the hospital:

Hey.. it’s good to see you.. I’m glad you could make it.. oh.. nice pajamas lol.. oh no.. hey! What are you.. stop!..look I know.. you don’t have to hit me..ah!.. okay,okay.. I’m sorry.. I know.. I was being stupid.. I know.. *sighs*.. I know.. I promised I wouldn’t recklessly. were right.. I should have listened.. I know.. you told me a thousand times.. but I just.. hm?.. ohh.. baby.. I didn’t mean to make you cry.. I messed I know.. you have every right to be angry with me.. it’s only fair.. baby.. please.. you know I never wanted 

oh yea.. I feel okay.. well.. this is what happened ok.. ugh.. its so dumb..but when I was on my way home.. I thinking about you.. and how you’ve been upset lately.. I really wanted to cheer you up.. I wanted to pick up your favourite ice cream from the store.. yea, you know the really expensive ones in those tiny containers.. yea.. I know they’re pricey.. and you can’t afford to pick them up whenever you want.. so I just wanted to surprise you.. just to cheer you up a little.. however, this idea came to me at the last minute.. and I had to hurry if I wanted to make it to the store on time.. and I was hungry too!.. so an empty stomach coupled with an ice cream shop time constraint only added to my.. recklessness.. and I accidently ran a red light and.. well.. I think you can imagine the don’t blame yourself.. 

hm? Oh yea my rides in pretty bad shape.. you know.. surprisingly..I didn’t actually feel much fear as it was happening..I actually felt.. weirdly calmer than I would have expected.. time definitely slowed down for sure..and I knew what was going on.. but I really couldn’t believe it.. I knew I was hurt.. but I didn’t feel any pain.. im pretty sure I was in some amount of shock.. someone called an ambulance of course.. and they paramedics pulled me out of the car.. as I turned back to see the wreckage.. that’s really when it hit me the most.. I had never seen steel twist in such a fashion.. and to think .. my god.. I’ve never felt more grateful.. things could have been so much worse.. but I’m okay.. at some point I fainted.. and woke up here.. hm?.. doesn’t hurt too bad..

 the nurse told me it was just a minor concussion and some bruises.. but I should be okay.. you know I spoke to the nurse.. and she actually said it okay for you to spend the night..would you like to?.. thank you.. but you know.. you don’t have to.. I will be alright.. Oh!.. well..if you insist..just thanks so much for coming.. the nurse put me on a lot of painkillers and medication.. but no medical professional could really know.. that what would really take the pain away from me the most.. is you.. your presence is the best medicine I could ever ask for in a time like now.. it was cold and empty without you here.. here.. I’ll make some room.. lay down in the bed with me.. ah! Ouch!.. yea.. im okay.. just a little sore.. ughh.. here.. come here.. lay close to me..with you head against my chest.. just like that..mhmm..comfortable?..good.. yea.. your body is so..warm.. 

you wanna know something about you?.. you.. you have this.. this effect on me.. I realized this.. long ago..closer to when we first met.. you know me.. as someone whose.. you know.. been through some stuff.. and who has.. acquired a.. collection of emotional wounds over my life.. I always believed that.. I would be carry this hurt for eternity.. this hurt that.. always pushed me towards order to avoid certain feelings..but after spending so much time with you.. I’ve noticed a lot of the pain.. and hurt that I’ve carried.. a lot of it started to feel.. well.. it feels as if I’ve started to moved past it all.. as if I can look back at the mistakes of my past as.. a new man.. I no longer identify with the darkest parts of my personal history.. I’ve shed my skin..and really.. its because of you.. you have this unique.. healing effect on me.. there’s something about you that.. makes you that way.. your really just not.. a typical person.. your not an ordinary woman..not just another pretty face.. not just another perfect freckle.. cute dimple.. smooth nipple. Lol.. your have something inside of you.. that’s.. beautiful..and makes you special.. especially to me.. really its.. your kindness.. ability to take care of others.. and just the way you carry yourself..through this matter what.. you always make sure to stay kind  to all those who come across your path.. even to those who may not have deserved it at myself..your aura shines brighter.. and burns hotter.. than anyone I’ve ever known.. I love how fierce you can be.. when you stand up for what you believe.. and how passionate you can be.. when dealt the unfaltering tenacity of injustice that plagues this world.. no.. your definitely not like the others.. and you deserve.. better.. you deserve the best.. 

I really do want to apologize to you.. it’s not fair that I made you worry.. it’s not fair that put you through that kind of fear.. you know I never want to purposely make you upset… I’m sorry..are you okay?.. mmm.. I’m glad you feel better.. I’m glad I feel better.. I’m glad we both get to feel better.. together.. look.. it’s really late.. I think we could both use some rest.. good night.. I’ll see you in the morning..

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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