Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend Comforts You Through Emotions

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ASMR Boyfriend Comforts You Through Emotional Problems

Back Story:

You two have been growing a lot closer as of late, and have learned to become more vulnerable around each other. Last night, during pillow talk, you mention to him about your difficulty in dealing with emotions. It concerns him, and he presses you to further elaborate, causing you to clam up and regret speaking so much. You’ve said more to him in 5 minutes than you’ve said to anyone else in the past 5 years. 

The next night, he contacts you again. With an overwhelming feeling of concern for your well-being, he begins to take you to a place where you can explore the nature of emotions, together. 


Hi.. hey.. so.. I just wanted to connect with you again today.. just want to talked to you about something.. I remember the other day.. it just kinda came you said..that.. you don’t like emotions?.. I mean it seems to me that.. you’ve been kinda over whelmed lately.. going through some stuff.. its okay I get it..that’s realrly what I wanted to touch upon today..look im trying to be gentle with you..but um.. you said that you don’t like emotions.. that’s really something I never would have expected you to say.. its just such a bold statement and stance to’s just.. I was concerned, that’s all.. it’s a little worrying to to why you wouldn’t like emotions.. really feel that way.. it almost feels as if you are denying a part of yourself..denying a part of who you are.. a part of your heart.. your emotions and the way you feel about things.. it can really run the core of who you are.. to deny something about yourself that’s so rooted..its to deny the most authethic parts of youself.. its convereing as to why you would go about doing know I worried about you..I don’t meant to put you on the spot and upset you.. but it would be.. id be lying if I didn’t want to atleast have a conversation about this with you..and just touch upon this subject again.. 

you know I’d really like to take you out somewhere..right now.. close your eyes..ill be holding your hand.. breathe deep.. with your eyes closed..I want you to really concentrate..its just you and me.. im right here..let me get behind you.. your gunna feel my arms coming around lets interlock our fingers.. so you know im right here..and I want you to imagine us.. were out.. and were in nature.. just imagine.. we’re in a beautiful meadow.. and theres a stream.. and a small gentle waterfall.. with a light from the sun above..theres.. animals around.. birds chirping.. and I want you to imagine being barefoot..right here.. in nature.. and when I count down to 3.. were gunna go there together we can see cant you?.. the water glistening in the sunlight..a school of fish flowing down stream.. a couple of rabbits running through the bushes.. some squirrels foraging nuts..the sound of leaves in the wind.. birds singing songs of majesty..buterflies.. flowers.. a calm place isn’t it?.. in nature.. the reason I brought here was to remind you.. to remind you that..we came this place.. we came from nature.. the deepest parts of ourselves..the way we out instincts.. our senses.. our emotions.. they are one with nature.. so when you told me that you don’t like your emotions.. I wanted to remind you that.. everything you feel.. every emotion you have.. good or bad.. right or wrong.. up or down.. positive or negative..they are all natural.. they are all nature.. think about the earth for a moment.. think of all its been through.. long before.. any of us ever walked the earth..all the storms.. comets.. and all the disasters mother earth does..its all so uncontrollable.. we don’t hold that kind of power.. nature bends to the will of no mortal.. and  holds authority over man-made creation or societal expectation can argue against the sovereignty of our earth.. of nature.. now I want you to understand that.. the natural element.. and your emotions.. are one of the same..

 listen.. I can tell deep down.. that you are feeling a little bit troubled..and that the emotional tides are little unsettling.. and I can feel that you are a deeply emotional creature..and I say that with no judgement.. because there is nothing wrong with the way you feel.. its who you are.. and there nothing wrong with that.. ever.. its an embodiment of your soul.. to embrace that with open arm.. is a necessary part of the human experience..look.. maybe you don’t want me to say this.. its part of the reason why I’ve been do drawn to don’t know this but I can tell.. that deep down.. you have a very kind heart..when I’m physically close you like this..i can feel like I get a sense that.. the vibrations you give off.. Resonate a caring.. Nurturing.. and just beautiful energy.. its full of emotion.. and that’s what makes it special.. and what makes you special..i really sense that about you..your capacity for sensitivity it what this worlds needs..I wouldn’t ever want you to ever dare think that the way you feel.. is in any way shape or form.. invalid.. listen to me..the way you feel.. are one with nature..mother nature.. one with the earth..never feel like you not supposed to feel a certain way or be any way you want to be.. you can be one with the wind.. the tides.. and the trees.. and that’s powerful.. so please recognize that..i invite you to open yourself up to embrace yourself fully.. and let that beautiful light shine bright..for the world to see.. to see you the way see you.. not everyone is as lucky as me to get to experience that.. im very lucky.. lucky to have someone as wonderful as you by my side..don’t be afraid.. Ill be with you every step of the way.. that’s a promise..

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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