Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend Breaks Up on Anniversary! [Goodboy x Badgirl] [Shy Boy]

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ASMR Boyfriend Breaks Up on Anniversary! [Goodboy x Badgirl] [Shy Boy]

Extended Version on Patreon

Story: He was a typical good-boy who just wasn’t ready for all your bad-girl charm. You’re aura, you’re intensity, and you’re appetite for adventure was extremely alluring to him. It may have seemed like it would be nothing more than a one-night stand, but after getting to know him a bit more, you realize that he might actually the kind of guy you actually need in your life. Smart, hard-working, committed, emotional available, and of course equipped with an extraordinary handsome face. You two begin to connect on a deeper level in ways that you’ve have ever experienced. He always is trying his best to be there for you but you feel almost unworthy of him. As if girl from the wrong side of the tracks like you just isn’t ever meant to find your knight in shining armour.


Hey babe I gotta talk to you about something. Yea you’re right is our anniversary. It’s been a year already, my god the time flies doesn’t it? Oh you’re tryna out tonight again? I mean we went out both Thursday and Friday night im still kinda burnt out and hung over. Lol you’re just so crazy you know. But hey lets talk for a while. I feel like we haven’t really sat down and talked in a long time. No what are you doing babe seriously come here. I just, well… I just wanna reminisce a bit with you. I mean its been a year lets talk you know. I wanna talk about us. A year ago today, I never would’ve thought I’d find love on the dance floor lol. You got me so entranced you remember? Ughh I just remember the way you you’re hips were moving my god just way too hot. Yea I remember we were making out before we even knew each others names. Yea I know you always that means were meant to be but naw for real its actually kinda wack. Yea lol our whole relationship honestly was like one big one night stand lol. A one night stand that honestly just went on for too long. Look babe listen to me. I can’t keep doing this type of stuff you no more. The late nights, the binge drinking, the smoking, the drugs, partying, just like everything. Yea I know it was fun. What you mean normal? I mean honestly I don’t know how any of stuff ever became normal for me. When we first met I was medical school, working myself to death. I only ever went out that night cause it was my buddies bachelor party. Why do you think its so weird? You know not everyone is really this nightlife party person right? Why are you getting offended? I’m not calling you stupid relax, I know you’re on your 4th gap year I get it. I’m just sayin before I met you I never did this type stuff I was someone else. My life just never felt so dramatic and honestly it just give me anxiety and like… No I’m not calling you a drama queen! Can you just stop it and listen to me for once? I got kicked out med school for this! This lifestyle just screwed my head so much. Skipping lectures, bombing tests, getting fire from job, getting into fights, its like, what the hell is going on with me? I used to think I had so much potential and look what I’ve become I don’t even get it. You know, something. When were first met, I was honestly kinda shocked that you were into me. yea I know that makes me sound like a total loser but what do I have to hide from you? We’ve been open and honest with each other. We’ve told each other things we’ve never share with anyone. Look, I used to be a total dork. Studious, hardworking, stick in the mud type guy through-out most of life I was ambitious though. All my buddies no had problems getting girls and to be honest, I’ve always been kinda shy around girls. Maybe hard to believe but that was sort of where my mind was at as I growing up. You know who you reminded me of? Ugh this is cringe but you basically reminded of the popular kind of girls I would’ve went to highschool with. Lol the cool party type who always like my friends but never me omg and yea ones I always crushes on. Seriously stop laughing at me I know I’m gassing you up so much right now. And that’s kinda why I found you so exciting you know? I spent so much of my life just working hard, never having any real fun and then well, you came a long into my life. It honestly surprises me how close we got. I never actually anticipated we would have so much in common. Just everything from the way were both raised and our family dynamics. The neglect, the trauma we received. On the outside we seem like different people but deep down you know.. I felt like we were just the two side of the same coin. I couldn’t believe it. I knew from the start you’d have an influence on me. Babe I always  wanted better for you. You actually have no clue how frustrating you are. You’re so much smarter than you lead on but you keep making all these mistakes. All these bad habits you have. Yea I get it you’re young and you just want to have fun but you know you gotta grow up at some point. You I really just wanted to make you better. Waking up on time, eating clean, not drinking so much, trying to back in touch with your family. I see so much you in babe and I wanted nothing more than to leave better than I found you but.. I think I failed. I wanted to be a good man for you since from what you told me you have never really had much of that in your life. But I can’t keep this up I can’t spinning my wheels. I’m sorry but babe, it’s over. Please don’t cry this isn’t easy for me either you know. But look it’s our anniversary, and there was something I was planning to give you for a long time. In fact, I made it myself and regardless I want you to have it. What do you think? It’s a music box. Here you just have to twist the lever and yea just like I actually wrote the song too. I know this is so messed up and I you don’t even know how much I still care about you. And no we shouldn’t break up on our anniversary, but babe listen to me. I’ve learned so much from being with you. I don’t regret anything. Lets go out, just like you wanted, and we’ll live it up for sure. One last time, let’s go.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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