Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend Comforts You When You Feel Like a Failure!

Stalk Me:

Extended Version on Patreon

Story: Your boyfriend notices you’ve been upset lately, so he comes to the rescue with some asmr comfort. You talk about your problems with him, and he assures to you that you are worthy of love no matter what mistakes you’ve made in your past.



Is something bothering you? I just.. well I’ve noticed you haven’t really been yourself lately so I gotta ask. You know you can talk to me about anything right? It’s important to express the way you feel sweetheart. It’s not heathy to keep everything bottled up. I don’t want to feel ashamed about not feel okay sometimes. It’s okay to not feel okay sometimes lol. So what’s up. Your feeling like a failure? You’re hung up over past mistakes? Oh sweetie.. this sounds serious. I’m so sorry.. It’s normal to feel that way you know that right? I know how much it can hurt to make a mistake or not succeed at something. I understand completely it hurts to lose, but that doesn’t make you a loser. It can hurt to fail but that doesn’t make you a failure. I know you tried your best and I know your still trying your best. You did you best sweetie and your doing your best I can see that. I can acknowledge that about you and I can appreciate that about you. Do you sometimes feel like maybe you didn’t try your best? That’s false. Cut that out. Everyone is only ever doing their best with what they have, and you are no different. You’re not guilty of not being good enough in fact you completely innocent. There is no shame in what happened okay? This goes for anything in your life sweetie never forget. It’s okay. I’m here now I promise. I’ll always be here. No matter what ever happens you can always come running back to me in my arms and I’ll be here to warm you up and give you love. No matter what happens and no matter how much of a failure you might feel I promise that I’ll still love you. Even if you make a mistake I won’t stop loving you. That’s a constant and that’s a promise. I can feel you’ve been burdening yourself with shame and guilt around your mistakes for a while now. I’m telling you the god-honest truth when I say it’s safe to let those negative feelings go. I give you permission my love, you can let go of hating yourself. You don’t have to do that to yourself and you don’t deserve it. Everyone in the world, including you is deserving of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. You’re only human after all. Sweetie if it ever feels hard for you to love yourself just come to me okay? Just come to me and I’ll be here. Think of me, feel my presence. Okay, when you ready I want to sit with me. We can be seated across from one another, next to each other, or you can even be sat in my lap, whichever is most comfortable for you. Close your eyes and take yourself to that place with me. Now I want you to feel right now, what pains you my dear? What pains you? What burdens have been placed on your heart? I want you to be brave and allow yourself to feel into those sensations right now and to feel them in your body. I promise it’s safe. Where in your body do you feel them? Is it in your neck? Is it your stomach? Is it in you heart? Imagine the negative feelings have a color. What color is it? Once you’ve gotten that image in you mind, I want you to remember, that no matter the circumstances, I’ll always be here to love you. Forever and always. That’s my promise. I’ll always be here to love you. Imagine my hand being placed on the part of you body where you feel the most pain, and imagine my hand absorbing all that toxic negative energy out of you. If you feel like you can cry now, that’s okay, in fact it’s beautiful. Keep it up for as long as you need. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere. I want you to know this one truth. Whenever your feeling a little insecure about yourself, I’ll be here to conquer your fears with Love. I’ll give that to you whenever you need, and you can never be too needy for love. You need love. It’s your birthright. And it’s my honor to supply with that love whenever you need, because you deserve it. Just think of me, just feel my presence. No that I’ll never resist you and I’ll never push you away. Here me call your name. Whenever you feeling self-doubt remember to hear me calling your name to come back to me because I always am I’m always calling. If you ever feel doubt, just know ‘Manny Loves Me’… ‘Manny Loves Me, no matter what.’ Seem to good to be true? I can assure you it’s not. That’s a promise. I can also promise that if you check out the comfort playlist I have you for on the screen, your gunna love it.

Listen to the Full Spicy Version

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