Manny ASMR

ASMR: Shy Boyfriend Cries When You SNAP at Him!

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Extended Version on Patreon


This shy boyfriend has been waiting for you to fall fast asleep so he can sneak out into the kitchen without you knowing. His goal, acquire some delicious cookies from the cookie jar without you knowing. He promised he’d wait until morning before eating any of the cookies but this boyfriend just wants to be a naughty boy. However, he knocks over the cookie jar and wakes you up. When you realize what he did, you SNAP at him and cause him to cry! Eventually you apologize to him with enough hugs and kisses to earn his forgiveness.


I gotta very very sneaky so I don’t wake her up. Now is only chance to do this so I better do this right. Okay just like I imagined.. I just wait until she’s sleeping so I can make my move! Okay.. it seems like she’s fast asleep. But just to be sure.. let me try slipping this banana peel on her face and see if she reacts.. lolol she doesn’t suspect a thing! Okay now it’s time to commence the heist! Okay I just gotta stay on my tippy toes the whole time and make sure not to accidently bump into anything. Okay just gotta open the and close the door very slowly! *door sound* There we go! Just a few more steps and I’ll be in the kitchen! I’m so close I can almost taste it! Yes! I can see it! Right there on top of the fridge.. the forbidden cookie jar! I know my girlfriend told me I can’t have any until it’s morning time but I can’t resist! Doesn’t she know that cookies are my one weakness? Okay.. I made it this far.. I just gotta reach up to the top of the fridge, swipe a cookie and place the jar back in it’s a original spot. She won’t suspect a thing! Hehehe I’m so excited! Hold on.. since when was the fridge so tall? Ohhh I can’t reach it! Fiddlesticks? I guess I’ll just have to getting on my tippity tip toes to get the cookie jar. Okay.. come on. Come on! So close! So close I can’t almost reach it. Come on. Please! Please I want cookie! Must. Get. Cookie! I think I almost got it.. there! I got it! *crash* uh-oh! No no no no no I dropped the whole jar on the ground! No no no no she’s gunna find out! *gasp* I think she woke up! Quick quick quick I gotta hide! Where do I go? There’s no time she’s gunna catch me! I gotta be quick! I know! I’ll hide under the table cloth! She’ll never find me there! *phew* This is perfect. As long as I stay here, I’ll be safe! *light switch* oh no! I think that’s her. Oh god please I hope she doesn’t catch me with a cookie! Please please please I’m so scared! *munch* uh-oh.. she’s calling my name! *munch* I probably shouldn’t be chewing so loudly but I can’t resist the chocolate chips! Oh no.. she’s calling my name! Uhhh nooo it’s not jimmy under the table cloth… it’s a ghost.. ooooooohhhh.. it was a ghost who took a cookie from the cookie jar not jimmy … oooohhhhh.. *table cloth sound effect* (Uh oh.. she caught me..) ehehehe.. hey sweetie.. fancy seeing you here! Didn’t know you knew about these parts of town ehehe.. umm.. did I take a cookie from the jar.. ummm… nooo… why is the jar broken and the cookies all over the ground.. ummm.. it was ghost? Ummm.. ghosts do too it eat cookies! Why wouldn’t they? I uhh– look I’m sorry! I admit it was me! I took the cookie from the cookie jar! And I broke the jar *sob* and I spilled all the cookies! *sob* Hey please don’t yell! Please don’t yell! Look I said I was sorry I.. look I don’t know why I did it.. I don’t know why! No I don’t! fine! It’s because.. well.. I know you said I couldn’t have any until tomorrow but I couldn’t wait that long! They were too delicious smelling. Please don’t be mad please don’t be mad! Stop yelling! Stop yelling I said I’m sorry! No okay I’m sorry I feel awful! I do I feel awful alright I’m sorry I lied to you! I know I said I wouldn’t take any until tomorrow but.. I’m sorry I don’t know what got over me! I was selfish! I was! I know I’m a bad boyfriend! But please.. don’t hold it against me. I feel like your gunna hate me forever. Stop yelling! I don’t care please stop! *sob* *runs away*


*sobbing* why is she always yelling at me like that? Why? I told her I was sorry! I know I make dumb decisions when I’m hungry but.. what the heck am I supposed to do? It’s not fair! I hate her.. I hate her so much.. I don’t even want her stupid cookies! If she ever makes cookies again I’m just gunna say no thanks I don’t eat your cookies anymore and she’ll bad for yelling at me.. I know she will.. then she’ll say sorry to me. She’ll have to.. wont she? I haven’t been this upset since I made a mistake in the last video and cried the whole day? If you don’t remember, you can check out the video on the screen and you check it out. *door open* What do you want? Are you gunna yell at me again?


End of Youtube Version–

I already told you I was sorry haven’t you had enough? What do you want from me? What do you want from me? leave me alone now I can’t handle this! *sob* you already yelled at me? what do you want from me now? Such a meanie.. I don’t care.. I don’t if your sorry.. your not sorry.. your just saying that because you feel like you have to but you don’t actually care.. no you don’t! you don’t care! Then why did you yell at me! Why did you yell! You know how much that hurts me! Don’t you? If you knew… you wouldn’t yell.. you wouldn’t yell if you knew how much it hurt. You wouldn’t.. wait.. your not mad.. are you sure? I feel like your still mad.. why did you yell? Wait.. no.. you were.. worried? About who? About me? what do you mean? You didn’t want me to get hurt? Oh.. yea.. I know because I almost dropped the cookie jar on my head.. I know.. I know it was dangerous to reach to the top of the fridge by myself.. Hey oof.. that’s a really tight hug you got there.. look.. look *sobs* sweetie… oh sweetheart… I’m sorry I made you scared.. I get it know.. you were just scared for me.. and I scared you so you got upset and yelled.. I’m sorry… oh sweetie I’m sorry this happened.. I didn’t wanna have to make you cry.. I didn’t wanna have to make you worry.. I know you care about me.. I know you do.. okay.. I know.. *sob* now were both crying.. oh god.. what a mess.. what a silly mess.. lol…I can’t believe it.. we’re such good balls.. lol.. babe come here.. *K-ss**K-ss**K-ss* I can’t believe us.. I accept your apology of course. Because I know you didn’t mean any harm.. yea I was really upset.. but.. I feel better now.. I just.. I just hate being yelled at.. that’s my problem.. lol.. I.. remember how much my mother would scold me for things like taking cookies out of the cookie jar when I’m not allowed. I just.. hate the feeling of being in trouble.. it hurts too much.. so.. that’s why this whole thing hurt me so much.. but.. I guess.. sometimes when we care about people we do and say things we regret.. I’m so sorry.. and I forgive you.. oh god.. can we go back to the kitchen? I think there’s one more thing we need to do..


Well.. we gotta clean up this mess.. I mean.. only some of them fell on the floor.. is it such a big deal if I ate one? I mean come one the floor is still pretty clean right? Lol okay fine! We’ll toss the dirty ones and salvage the ones are still good to eat. Okay it looks like we still got plenty to choose from! Nice.. hey.. you wanna sit under the dining table with me and eat these? Come here lets go! it’ll be fun.. see! I used to love playing under the dining table as a kid. Lol just put a table cloth that reaches close to the ground and we got our own little world together. Soo.. I gotta ask now.. is it okay if I have a cookie? Yes! Thank you! *munch* mmmmm so gooood. This is why I love you.. Because you make the best cookies in the world.. mmm… *K-ss**K-ss* and because your cookies makes me feel loved..  Look… we let our own stupid traumas and emotional baggage get in the way.. I hate that.. I acted the way I did because I have a fear of getting in trouble. You acted the way you did because of the fear of seeing those you love get hurt. We lets our own personal problems come between us.. it sucks because I know we love each other so why the hell do we do this? Why? I don’t think we should. Look.. even when we have these little spats.. we should always look to work on what was bothering us on the inside, so we don’t take it ou on each other. It’s not fair to one another. Come here. *K-ss**K-ss**K-ss* mmm sweetie… *K-ss**K-ss* I hate that we do this… *K-ss**K-ss* but I kinda love it because making up after an argument always feels good too lol *K-ss**K-ss* but we shouldn’t start fights. I’m sorry.. I really am.. I’m sorry we have to be like each other. 

Listen to the Full Spicy Version

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