Manny ASMR

M4F: Boyfriend Apologizes After Hurting You! [Apology] [Exes to Lovers]

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Your ex boyfriend calls you, asking you for some type of favor. Your unsure of what exactly this guy wants but he seems desperate. It’s hard to forgive him for all the toxic and terrible things he has done to you. You listen to him as he begs for forgiveness but you threaten to hang up on him several times.


Hey.. it’s me.. look.. I know.. I have no business calling you..but I heard you were in the hospital.. and I want to be able to see you.. I know it’s my fault you’re in there and I know you got hurt badly but please let me see you.. why not? Look I know I did a stupid thing.. a reckless thing.. a dangerous thing.. but I’m sorry I don’t know what got to me.. I don’t know what came over me.. but please I need to see you.. even just for a moment.. is that okay? Why not? Come on please.. just for a few minutes during visitor hours at the hospital.. I swear I won’t try to pull any funny business alright? Please just let me talk to you for a moment.. look I’m gunna come by but I won’t take to much of your time I swear I’ll be there in a few minutes..

I’m here at hospital parking lot now. Should I really be doing this? Why do I feel the need to be here? How do I even have the right to be here after what I did to her. She’s in there because of me.. because of a stupid mistake that I made. Do I actually expect to try to get her back? That’s ridiculous.. that’s impossible there’s no way.. but still. What if? What if she was crazy enough to take me back? No.. I shouldn’t be so desperate.. I barely even deserve forgiveness. But still.. I came here for a reason.. i should go..

Hey.. I’m here and I wanted to– *slap* agh god what the heck?!.. Okay you know what yea I deserve that I honestly do so no worries.. but man that hurt.. tell mw how you’re feeling? Are you hurt too badly? It’s not gunna be any permanent damage is it? You’re gunna live a normal life still? Oh sweetie.. I hate that this had to happen.. I feel so ashamed by it all.. I know you begged me not to do what I did and I understand the consequences.. I know I’ll probably be put into jail for a long time but I deserve it. I deserve that because I’m a monster.. an absolute monster. But please.. I just want to understand.. it was an accident.. truly.. it was.. I was just trying to scare you.. I wasn’t trying actually hurt you.. I know I did all of this because I was jealous.. I can’t help it.. but I’ve felt so jealous knowing that you were with that other guy.. that other guy who is probably a better guy than me.. honestly at this point.. he deserves you more than I do.. please listen.. I’m not here to try to win you back because I know I never could.. trying to get you back is ridiculous I don’t ever expect that. But I really just want to earn your forgiveness.. please it’s killing me on the inside.. I’ve never felt so guilty and terrible about myself.. I promised myself I would change.. you were right about everything.. you were right that I needed to go to a therapist for my anger issues.. and the all the childhood trauma that I had from growing up  rough household. I swear to god I never thought I would resemble my father but it turns out that life has a funny of way of going full circle. Jesus Christ why did I have to become like this? You were completely right that had all the makings of a toxic boyfriend. I got so mad at you for calling me toxic and always telling me I needed to calm down. I don’t know why I always ignored you when you would tell me that I needed to learn to control my anger.  I guess I always just took it personally and never really took it as constructive criticism. I don’t know how I’m really supposed to make up for it all but look I promise I’m gunna make a change. I don’t expect you to take me back.. but that’s not why I’m doing it.. I’m doing it because I know I need to do it for myself.. I’m grateful for you.. I’m grateful I met you.. you probably wish you had never met me and I don’t blame you but I’m grateful that I got to have a relationship with you. I learned so much form all of this.. I could never and understood what it was like to actually care about the feelings of another person. I always just assumed that everyone should just develop a thicker skin and be more like me. I thought that most people were just coddled and needed to toughen up. But after meeting you and seeing how soft yet strong you were I just don’t understand how I used to think the way I did. There is value in people who are bit gentler or a bit shyer or even a tiny bit clingy. But that doesn’t make them bad.. and it doesn’t mean they are weak. Could I ask you something.. why did you stay with me? no seriously I was such an awful guy why did you stay with me for as long as you did? I feel like you should’ve left a lot sooner. Hmmm I see.. because you saw a softer side to me.. because you thought that deep down I was just hurting.. are you being real right now? Did you really see potential in me to be a good man.. wow.. I swear.. I’m gunna hold onto that forever.. because sometimes when I look at myself.. I just don’t know.. I just don’t know what kind of person I am or who I could be.. but if really did believe me.. well.. that gives me some level of hope that I can change.. because I really do want to change..

I’m sorry for time I yelled at you when you made me bust head on the counter. I know it was just an accident. I sorry I yelled at you for wanting to see a therapist for your issues. It never made sense for me to come in between and your mental health. If you needed someone to help you work through your problems like you social anxiety and what not that’s totally okay and it was totally not cool for me to try to get you to quit going. I’m sorry I abandoned you. I’m sorry when we had that fight in the parking lot at the therapist’s office I left you there. I couldn’t control my anger and I stormed off and left you with a complete stranger. Nothing I did in this relationship was appropriate. If you can’t remember all the awful things I did, you can check out the playlist on the screen and you can relive the whole thing.. hey can I ask you something? Just for a quick favor? Look.. I know this is gunna sound completely messed up and you can feel free to say no but I have to know.. is it okay? Is it okay if I were just too well… kiss you? One last time?

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