Manny ASMR

M4F: Boyfriend Begs You to Wake up From Coma!

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You had fallen in to a coma after getting suffering from a bullet wound during a shootout at a local café. Your boyfriend called the ambulance and has been by your side ever since. He’s been begging for you to wake up and has been talking to you while you were asleep in your coma and begins to confess a lot of deepest feelings…


Hello? 911! Please there was a shooting at Moe’s Café and my—my girlfriend has been shot and please I’m begging you to help please she been bleeding and end up fainting and she won’t wake up.. yea she’s still breathing and yea it just happened a few minutes ago please tell me you can make it here on time we need to save her please hurry I can’t lose her!

Babe please wake up please I need to you to wake up.. oh my god.. I can’t believe this is happening.. I can’t believe you got shot this is all my fault.. no I can’t believe I let this happen to you I would have never wanted this to happen.. it all feels so surreal… just minutes ago we were safe in a café and now.. it’s insane how things can take a turn.. please be okay.. I don’t know what I’m gunna go without you.. I’ve made it my mission to protect you from harms way but obviously I’m a failure.. I would have taken that bullet for you.. I swear to god I would have jumped right in front of you and taken it to save you.. that’s how much you mean to me.. I can’t believe I let you get shot by your ex boyfriend again.. it’s so messed up. I swear babe please if you wake up.. I’ll be the best boyfriend I can ever be for you..I promise.. I will be the best boyfriend that anyone could ever ask for.. I’ll take care of you.. keep you safe.. I’ll cook all your favorite food and buy you all your favorite video games.. I’ll listen to all your problems and snuggle you and give you everything.. I’d do that for you… please sweetie if you could just wake up then I promise you’ll have the best life ever.. please.. please wake up.. please say yes to life.. oh my god.. why did this have to happen.. you didn’t do anything to deserve this! You’ve just always been treated so unfairly.. always.. why? It’s not fair at all.. why is this world so cruel to the kindest of souls?.. you’ve always looked for the best in people.. you’ve always been so forgiving for those who’ve done wrong.. you’ve always been so compassionate for those who are less fortunate than you.. people like you don’t deserve anything but good things.. someone like you don’t deserve anything but love.. unlike me.. god.. I’m such a failure! I’m such a coward… how could I let the woman I care most about be hurt like this.. can I really call myself a man?

Hold on.. is she waking up? I think I can see her moving a little.

Please you’re so close yes yes you can do it! Babe you’re doing so good please please wake up please wake up! Sweetie I hope you can here me! If you can hear my voice please follow it! Where you are.. please follow the sound of my voice! It’ll bring you back I swear please I’m begging you to come back to me I don’t think I could go on without you.. I don’t think I could go on without you at all.. I need you.. I need you in my life.. I never thought I’d ever say I needed anyone but you changed me mind.. you changed me.. please babe.. don’t give up! Don’t give up on me and I won’t give up on you..

Babe? Sweetie? Can you hear me? Can you hear me? You’re waking up? Oh my god your waking up please yes don’t stop now you’re doing great look at you.. look you babe thank god your okay oh my god your’re okay you’re okay I’m so happy to see you.. I’m so relieved to finally see your beautiful eyes again.. I thought I nearly lost you.. I can’t believe I nearly lost you.. but your back.. thank god.. your back to me.. I’ve been by your side every since.. I swear sweetie I swear I never left your side.. I would never leave your side and I knew you would pull through I just knew it.. your so strong and you are so brave.. never forget that.. you’re the strongest, bravest person I know.. I don’t want you to ever forget it.. I swear I’ll never let you ever know pain again.. you never deserve pain ever again I will make sure that you never experience any kind of discomfort ever again.. I promise.. I swear by my life sweetheart you’ll be taken care of for now on and forever.. wait what are you talking about? You recognize me don’t you? Wait do you not remember anything that happened? Sweetie we were in a café.. and then you ex boyfriend came bursting in through the door and you know if you can’t remember what happened then please check out the video on the screen right now for part 1 but.. wait.. wait.. no don’t your eyes on me baby please don’t close your eyes on me no what happening? Whats happening? NO don’t go you can’t go now this can’t happen now I need you! Nurse! Nurse! Somone help! Somebody help she needs helps please she’s not responding please someone do something now! What’s happening! Can someone tell me whats happening! NO! this can’t be good. Why does this have to happen.. no.. please why..

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