Manny ASMR

ASMR: Stubborn Tsundere Blames You Unfairly! [Argument]

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ASMR: Stubborn Tsundere Blames You Unfairly! [Argument]

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After the death of your boyfriends dog, things haven’t been the same with him. He’s been getting angry and lashing out like crazy! You are starting to suspect that he slowly is becoming a dangerous yandere.

Last week you got a call from the man who was responsible for the death of your boyfriend’s pet doggy (check it out here). The stranger is desperately sorry and feels compelled to meet you in order to apologize to you in person. You are afraid of what your boyfriend might do to this stranger if he were to meet him so you choose to meet the stranger yourself without confronting your boyfriend about it. However, at the end of your meeting, your boyfriend appears out of nowhere and things get very ugly…


This is your fault! You did all of this! I can’t believe you! How could you have let that happen?! You idiot how hard is it to be a little responsible?! I can’t believe you.. for second there I was blaming myself for everything that happened but obviously it was YOU who made the mistake. Nope don’t talk to me sweetie pie I take everything I said back form before it’s your fault entirely. Yes it is! No I don’t care you deserve to be yelled at for what you did. How hard is to walk a dog? What were you doing? I bet you were looking at stupid tiktoks while walking the thing right before you let of the leash. Honestly I shouldn’t be surprised because you do look pretty stupid. Yea I said it. Well I mean look at you with yee-yee ass haircut what kinda message do you think your giving out to the world? I can’t believe I shared so much about myself with you and it turns out you are a complete dunce. Look I understand that I called you on the phone last week so I could meet you in person but that was before I realized it was all your fault. I wanted to apologize for happened to your dog but basically I didn’t even really do anything so who even really cares? You made a mistake honey buns, and yea now I’m yelling at you. Yes I technically ran over your dog but aye… why wasn’t it on a leash? Huh? Tell me right now whose fault it really is? You ever seen that show called ‘Scared Straight?’. The one where they take bad middle school kids to prison cells so they can screamed at by inmates? Yea you can just pretend that’s what this is. It’s your fault so you gotta pay the consequences!  Look if you’re too dumb to hold on to a dog leash, then maybe you could hold my pocket. Nah here let me help you out *zip* HOLD MY POCKET! I SAID HOLD MY POCKET! Little lady can you hear me loud and clear HOLD MY POCKET! Aye where you going now? Whatever…

Thoughts: Maybe I was too harsh? Uhhh of course I was.. I mean I ran over her dog with my car.. if your memory is foggy you check it out in the top right corner but it would probably be best if I just apologized this girl. Uhh.. but first I better take care of this…


Hey hey listen, listen.. please.. look.. stop come on.. I forgot to tell you that I did bring you these flowers.. I wanted to give them to you earlier but.. I just well forgot I guess.. Look I felt like it was okay to yell at you because.. well I don’t know.. look, running over someones dog is a terrible thing and.. I actually can’t believe how insensitive I was being… please take the flowers.. I can’t imagine what its like to be in your position right now.. I swear to god I’m sorry *sob* it was a living thing that lost it’s life and I was only worried about my own feelings of guilt… *sob*. I’m such an idiot. No come on please don’t hug me you don’t have too.. okay maybe a little.. you’ve been through a lot.. what was that? Sparky was never your dog? Who he did he belong to then? Your boyfriend. Oh my god ok I see.. so you’ve been feeling a similar level of guilt as I was then.. okay.. hey is that your boyfriend right there? I see some dude walking over here.. hold on a second.. whats he got in his hand.. what do you mean I should run? Did something happen? What do you mean there’s no time to explain? Wait what’s happening? Tell me.. please! What you mean I have to click on the screen to find out what happened? Why can’t you tell me? okay here he is.. Look buddy its not what it looks like.. YO I said it’s not what it looks like put it down! Bro come on put it down it’s not funny! Ayye!  HELP! HELP! HELP!

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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