Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS at You For Being Shy! [Argument]

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ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS at You For Being Shy! [Argument]

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Story: Your boyfriend has been suspicious of your quietness recently. He know that you are a shy type of listener but he gets angry and starts and argument. Eventually he begins to force you to talk about the incident that has caused you to become so shy and quiet.


Could you just tell me what’s the matter? Like you’ve been moping around the joint like freaking giraffe. Giraffes have long faces that’s why I called you that. Look could you just tell me why you’ve been so upset? Is it cause I told I didn’t like your new slippers? Look the issue with em is that when you walk you sound like Mr.Krabs. But seriously just tell what problem is I’m getting sick and tired of your crap! I swear to god you’ve always been that kinda ‘oh woe is me’ type chick like your just obsessed with being depressed because it’s some type of aesthetic. Could you just look at yourself and mirror for two seconds and develop some self-awareness? I understand you’ve got some issues but where is actual doctors note? Huh? Or are you just one of those girls who just likes to self-diagnose herself with unnecessary labels? Whats even the point of that? Does it make you feel special is that it? Why do you feel the need to be special? Is it because deep down you don’t feel like you are? I think I know what this is about. Is this about the incident that happened last week? Look I already told it’s a not big deal because neither of us got into trouble. Yea ok fine I know you don’t want me saying what actually happened so whatever I will just refer to it as the incident. But to be honest im probably just gunna blurt it out at the end of the video anyways so it doesn’t really need to be kept a secret does it? You’re just way to sensitive you know that? Ever since ‘the incident’ you just have been a normal person. Your barley wake up on time anymore, you haven’t brushed your hair in days and you’re beginning to resemble a tumbleweed. Look you’ve been a complete mess. Last night you left the cheese outside the fridge again it went bad! That was the last bit of mozzarella cheese! How do you expect me to make you a pizza pie now! With Gouda?! Are you mad, woman? Oh come on I’m not being a jerk. Fine whatever be like that.

Thoughts: Is she mad at me? Maybe I over stayed my welcome? She’s been nice enough to let me live with her for past little while but maybe it’s about time I got out of here. Yea perhaps I don’t really need to be here anymore. I sorta feel like dead-weight to be honest. After what happened with my dad she was there for me. And look the way I’ve been acting. On top of all this, I still have the phone number I got from that dog collar… I think I know what I have to do.


Listen babe.. what are you doing? Look no stop don’t we can make the pizza pie together don’t be in here by yourself like that. Look, lets sit down. We should talk about the incident. It happened a week ago and I know it’s hard to talk about but we need to get through this. Okay. I know it was a traumatic few days. For the both of us. What happened with my dad and robbery and hospital.. no.. please… no please stop .. no I’m sorry I know its hard to talk about.. I know its not nice.. I know its not a great feeling but come on we can’t keep doing this.. look be honest with me.. is it me? Do you want me gone? No it’s fine.. I mean if you want me to leave I will! Look babe I feel like I’ve been nothing but bad luck to you lately. Making you drive me to hospital after all the reckless and illegal crap I got you involved in. After you invited me into your home.. it just… I’m a complete jerk.. I really should express more gratitude towards you but for some reason I just act like an idiot instead. What? Oh yea.. I could have guessed yea.. of course I’m the problem.. of course I’m the issue.. I get it.. I know.. I shouldn’t have made you feel like the incident was your fault. I know I blamed you.. I wish I never had.. I know I yelled at you said it was all your doing for what happened. But really.. that was just wrong of me.. It was insensitive.. it wasn’t your fault.. it wasn’t your fault what happened to that dog.. it was mine.. I’ll take responsibility for it.. I’m gunna call the owners of that dog and tell them everything.. except I’m gunna tell them it was my fault entirely.. okay? Okay please don’t be sad anymore.. I know there so much that happened and it can’t all be explained now.. But check out the videos on the screen and you’ll all about how you ran over a dog. No babe I’m sorry! I’m sorry please I know I promised I wouldn’t say it outloud but please I’m sorry don’t cry. No! I didn’t mean to say that please forgive me..

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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