Manny ASMR

ASMR Vampire Boyfriend Feeds On You & Drinks Your Blood!

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ASMR Vampire Boyfriend Feeds On You & Drinks Your Blood!

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Story: You just woke up from a nap with your boyfriend and you here the door bell ringing. It’s super late at night so you wonder who exactly it could be. You’re boyfriend is eager to open the door but you have this terrible feeling creeping up inside you. You sense that the two of you are in deep danger. Your boyfriend opens the door and….


Come out, come out wherever you are! AHAHAHAHAAA. Come on little lady don’t tell me your not happy to see me? Awwwww what’s the matter? Don’t tell me your scared! I was so glad I got to meet you boyfriend face-to-face. I gotta say it was an absolute pleasure strangling the living daylights out of him. Look at this goofy-ass little chode all passed out and what not ahaha. Come on girl! You don’t remember me? I’ll give you a little hint. I am who when you call whose there. The wind blowin threw your hair! But for real who were you expecting, Count Chocula? Oh come one now… Ahahahaha. I’m sorry I had to break into your house so late but I was just soooo excited to see you! I mean you know what day it is, don’t you? The night where all the goblins and ghouls come out to play. When all the witches and the monsters are ready to get down. It’s okay girl… I love to play games… hide and seek is all time classic. It’s been around for as long as well… me… ahahahahaha.


What the heck what that? I think I just saw something scurry along the floor..

Come here! Come here! Ahahaha gotcha! *meow* I didn’t know you had a cat! It’d be a shame if anything happened to poor little whiskers over here. Ayo calm down little guy I’m not gunna hurt you ahahaha just wanna your blood looks like ahahahahahaha. Ahhh would you look at that! I think this new coat of fur looks good on you! Ahahah. Hey listen! Just you know you’re the color of cats fur is gunna little darker for now on ahaha and little bit less lucky ahahahaha.

Maybe your in the kitchen. Oh that would be delightful. It would be perfect just to find you in here making me some pancakes just the way I like em. You know something… I love it when a woman can cook pancakes for me while wearing absolutely nothing but an apron. Ahahaha just dropping some hint now sweetheart in case you were wondering what to get me for my birthday ahahahaha. You know something I just realized I can’t go hunting on empty stomach. Let’s see what we got in the fridge. Ohhhh it’s nice to see you like organic milk. *drinks milk*  ahhhhh delicious.

Maybe you’re here in the bathroom. Oh that would just be perfect wouldn’t it be? I would love to walk in on you in a bubble bath ahahahahaha. You know last time we were in here I wonder if you noticed my lack of reflection in the mirror. That probably would’ve set off some alarms now wouldn’t it?

Alright now, maybe you are here in the bedroom. Oh wouldn’t it just be a treat to walk in on you while fast asleep.. just the way I like it. I suppose it’s a nice place you got here. Oh man.. you didn’t tell me you were a musician! I love the guitar. Here… let me serenade you with something sweet. Come now lets see.

Singing: I came out tonight looking for trouble.. and boy did I find her. Shes in love with herself. She likes the dark. And on her succulent neck, the devil’s mark. But it’s all hallows eve. The moon is full. But will she trick or treat? Ohhhh I bet she will.. ahahahah… happy Halloween baby..

Thoughts: I can smell her.. my god….. I can smell her…. She’s sooo close…. Mmmmm goddd… where is she?! Where?!

I can’t take this anymore come out! I know you’re in here somewhere! I’m getting really sick and tired of playing these games with you! What did you think was gunna happen? After saving your life?! After telling me about how much your boyfriend mistreats you?! After the night we spent together… Don’t try to play the fool now. You can’t do this to me! You have no right! You have no idea how long I’ve had to walk this earth alone! You have no clue what its like to feel the way I do! You have no idea what it’s like to be in love with someone… someone who you think actually cared about you and had your best interests in mind. Only to have them completely betray you.. having your realize that you were nothing to them but a means to an end. I remember the day I met her. She was beautiful. I was a lonely boy. Vulnerable. No father figure around. Mistreated at school and by everyone in my life. She just appeared one day, and cold dark December night. She wasn’t wearing any shoes, and I couldn’t let her walk around in night all alone by herself so of course I had to let her in. My mother wasn’t home. She had to work late. So there I was with this mysterious girl who I had never seen at school or anywhere else. She was quiet.. and she didn’t smile much. But she looked.. honest.. and humble. I had never had a friend before so.. I was excited… God….. I don’t even wanna think about this anymore…. I can smell you! You know why I am here! If you can’t remember, check out the videos on the screen for the full story. Come on! AH –HA! You were under the bed the whole time! Ahahahahaha you really thought you could escape from me?! ahahaahahahahah girl you are in for a wild ride! It’s feeding time baby lets go! ahahahaahahahahahahaha.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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