Manny ASMR

ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS when he finds you hurt!

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ASMR Boyfriend SNAPS When Finds He You Hurt! [Argument] [Apology]

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You come home late one night and your boyfriend finds you in the kitchen. He’s wondering where you’ve been and why you are out so late with no explanation. He mentions how you’ve been acting weird and not like yourself. He notices that constantly massaging your neck, and wonders if you have been hurt. You deny it but sees the injury you’ve been hiding from him. He starts to get angry and insist that you tell him what’s being going on with you…


What are you hiding from me? You’ve been acting so strange. Can’t you give me a clear answer? Like god you are just so insufferable. I saw something on your neck. I did! Don’t try to play smart with me girl you’ve hiding something.  What is that? You’ve been coming home late and stuff and it doesn’t make any sense. I want to be straight with me. Whats going on with you?! You don’t look yourself even. You look… kinda like your sick or something..  Are you hurt? Is someone hurting you? I’ll take care of it but you gotta talk to me! There I seen it again you’re hurt! Why aren’t you telling me these things? Look, if your boyfriend finds you hurt, you gotta speak up about it you know? How do you expect to get better if you don’t let me help you? What you think you’re just so brave and independent? Huh? Look I get it you’re a shy type of girl but I’m getting sick of hearing you using that as an excuse. This goes beyond the injury you know. Nah, its like even when my friends or family come over, could you please have the decency to log off of minecraft, leave your room, take off your skullcandy headphones and say hello to the guests? And if I’m hanging out with my buddies in the kitchen or something why are you just walking in, grabbing your mountain dew and Doritos without even making eye contact or acknowledging their existence? It’s sooo freaking rude, I wouldn’t do that to any of your friends or family. So what if I’m more confident I earned that level of confidence by expressing myself whether people cared or not. I wasn’t always censoring myself like the way you do. Whats your deal? I keep saying to you that you can open up to me and tell me things that are on your mind but you never do? Isn’t that what you broads are always talking about? ‘Relationships are built on mutual understand and open communication’. Blah, blah, blah you are just a freakin hypocrite. If you’re hurt, then show me boo-boo, sweetheart its not rocket science I want to take care of you don’t you get it?! For the love of god woman if I find out that you have a hickey I- uhh, where you going? Aye!

Wait to go, you freakin blew that time. Christ. I’m gunna grab myself some milk. What’d I do wrong? Well I yelled at her.. again. But I thought I was doing all the right things? I tell her I care about her and that I want to open up to me? it’s just confusing you know. Obviously im in the wrong here. I gotta apologize to her. A real apology. Not like that will smith apology video. That was a bunch nonsense. Imma gunna have to be real with her.

 Sweetie.. hey.. can I come in? I like how you’ve decorated the place lol. What no time for that right now? Yea look you’re right, come here. I owe you more than apology. I just.. I’m just no good at giving them.. I just get too stuck in my head.. I wanna bring the focus back to you but I just.. have to figure it out.. look about that argument..  look I want you to know, that I mean it when talk about us having an open dialogue. It’s important for couples to have that you know? I know I have a funny way of expressing it. I just got frustrated because I… this is gunna sound so stupid but.. I felt like it wasn’t fair.. because I felt like you weren’t keeping up you end of the deal on that. But obviously.. theres a reason you don’t wanna open up to me.. and it’s fine.. but.. I wanna know what I can do.. what I can do to change.. and make this better.. so I’m asking you.. what can I do to make you more comfortable around me? Look I’m you’re boyfriend I don’t you to be shy around me. It’s I’m judgmental? Am I really? But I just have opinions so what? Look its not my fault if- actually.. wait.. so.. it bothers you that I seem judgmental. I get it. Yea.. you don’t feel like you can speak your mind around me because I might judge you? Ohhh sweetie I.. I’m sorry if I can seem like a jerk. I am .. you know what.. I won’t do that sorta stuff anymore.. I promise..  oh? Yea.. you wanna show me what on you neck okay.. sweartheart… what in god’s name is that? Did you get.. bitten or something? That looks freaking brutal why would you hide this are you insane?! Huh oh no please come on I didn’t mean to yell… come on lets go the bathroom and clean it up lets go. wait do you mean? Why cant I go I there? Whats the matter?

Jesus Christ! Babe, what?! What is all this? It almost looks like ink but no it’s not this isn’t blood is it? Its all of the sink its on towels oh my god babe is that a hand print? Can you explain this? Babe what the heck is going on? You are listening to me? what’s happening? This is freaking nuts you know that?

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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