Manny ASMR

ASMR Tsundere Co-worker Snaps!

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ASMR Tsundere Co worker Snaps! [Enemies To Lovers] [Argument]

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Story: You just  got a new job working at Moe’s Café. The work gets kinda boring so you entertain yourself by constantly teasing and bugging the crap out of the cute Tsundere boy that works there. As the nephew of the owner, and the top employee, he takes his job quite seriously. You make it your personal mission to get him to loosen up a little, while also making his life a living hell. After he attempts to beat you to death with a bag of coffee filters, he eventually loosens up a bit around you and  it almost feels as if a friendship (or more) beings to flourish.


Quit it! No seriously cut it out! Can you stop?! Seriously your getting on my nerves man! I told you to stop doing that. Look you know how much of a pain in the butt it is to get this coffee machine running? For real you gotta jiggle the thing and tilt a little to it’s side. I showed you how to do this already during training. Look yea I get it your new here but your not new no more sweetheart so get your freakin act together alright? Okay we’re gunna do this one last time. From the top. DO IT OMG. Quit playing dumb with me! I know exactly your type. Yea I know your just playin stupid being all cute and ditzy just so I can do the work for ya. That sorta thing aint gunna work on me baby-girl I aint no simp. I bust my ass everyday at this job and that’s why I’m top-dog for a reason. Employee of the month 7 times in a row. Don’t mock me!  Repeated what I say in a high-pitch tone isn’t witty its just childish. God, whatever. Okay look one last time were do this. Eyy stop poking me when you gotta ask me something. Seriously why do you always do that? If you gotta say something to me, just say ‘hey’, you don’t gotta poke me everytime. Stop you just did it again what the heck is wrong with you? Why do you poke so hard anyways? Let me see your hands. Jesus look at how much smaller they are to mine! Why is your poke so strong? Eyyy stop no that wasn’t an invitation for another poke. Come on don’t poke my ribs I’m ticklish over there stop lolol stop lolol.

Moe: Hey! I keep hearing funny business over here. Get to work!

Oh, sorry sir…. See look at what your doing! You better not get in trouble with Moe. Like Christ sake my life was so much easier till you showed up. How did you even hired anyways? WHAT! ARE YOU SERIOUS! Your mom is banging Moe?! But, but, but, but, Moe is my uncle! I can’t accept this. No I can’t accept this. You and your family can’t get closer to mine that’s blasphemy! Look tell your mom to break up immediately. Look we’re co workers and that’s all it should ever be. What do you mean you can’t do that! Just find a way I don’t care how you do it, its weird man! All this is wack. I feel bad for your boyfriend, must be a headache having to deal with you. Especially because of the type of girl you are! Oh you’re recently single? Really? Ahem.. uh.. whatever that doesn’t interest me I don’t care about your love-life. Look I’m just saying in every relationship there the one that washes the dishes, and then there is the one that’s lets em soak. And I think I know which one you are. Dating you would be a nightmare and a half! Look stop being so clumsy you dropped all the coffee filters on the floor again. Do I gotta do everything myself? Sheesh. Don’t worry I got em. EY! What the hell you think you’re doing poking my butt! And if if your gunna poke it could you clip your freaking nails?! What the hell are press-on nails?! You think pay attention to girly crap like that? These uniform pants are thin okay I could’ve been bruised. Ok that’s it, prepare to die. Imma bout to kill you with the bad of coffee filters come here. I swear to god if touch me again woman I make sure you never see the light of day again!

Moe: Alright, alright enough! Break it up you two. I’ve had it with the constant bickering!

It wasn’t my fault she was—

Moe: Shut your trap wise guy, you’re on thin ice.


Moe: Both of you gots to take out the trash to the dumpster right now, and then after that get lost your shift is over. I don’t see none of monkey business again, you understand? I didn’t finesse my way out of the street life for this. Don’t make me use my some of my old-school mafia discipline on ya.

Sorry Moe, I won’t do it again. For real I apologize man. No for sure we don’t need that we don’t need that. Sorry, I real am sorry.

Sheesh.. that was close. You are such pain. Come on, you heard the man. We’re on trash duty. Don’t be lazy bum now neither of us can afford it we wants to keep our jobs here. Come on. Let’s do this.

Alright look recycling goes in the blue and compost goes in the green. It’s so simple even YOU couldn’t screw it up lol. Look, I feel kinda bad. I do I feel bad. I shouldn’t have had to wait until I got yelled at before I realized I was being a jerk. I mean you’re kinda new I shouldn’t have been so hard on ya. I’m just kind of a perfectionist you know. I remind you of your last boyfriend? Uhhh lol I don’t know what that’s supposed to mean lol. Excpet I’m more of a tsundere? You are so weird lol. Look you were being kind of a brat too you know. For real you were. Look, if we can both admit our faults, that would be for the best. Agree? Cool. So we’re good now? Alright cool. Oh uhhh sure yea we can hug lol. Looks like we’ve gone from enemies to friends? Perhaps? Enemies to lovers? Uhh I don’t know about that lol. Okaayyy, you’re a really tight hugger. Hey your hands are getting kinda low there, what are you—ey what are you doing?! Gimme back my keys you little brat I swear to god just when I thought you were cool you start doing some crap like this! Come back here right now!

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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