Manny ASMR

ASMR Flirty Stranger Kisses You! [Strangers to Lovers][Romance]

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ASMR Flirty Stranger Kisses You! [Strangers to Lovers][Romance]

Extended Version on Patreon


This story was based on a true story. I was at the mall looking for a gift for my sister’s baby shower. I looked over my shoulder and I saw a cute girl walking just behind me to the right. I noticed her style and it definitely caught my eye. I decided to just go with my gut and say hello to her. I told her ‘I just thought you  were cute and wanted to say hello:)’. She reacted very positively and we went on a 2 hour adventure together!


Hey, excuse me I just saw you walk right past me and I gotta say I appreciate the style. You seem kinda cute and I wanted to say hello to you. Just wanna see if your personality is as appealing as your looks. Oh you seem to think so? Well you’re kind of a biased source don’t you think? Aha. Tell me is your hair naturally that way? Or is it stylized to have that look? Oh shoot look it was nice meeting you lol. The last girl I knew who had your kind of hairstyle kinda broke my heart so now I feel it’s just a deal breaker. It’s fine I mean I might still find a reason to like you, even though its probably just a 50-50 percent chance. Oh you think it might be higher? Okay,okay lol. So what’re up to right now? Just shopping? I’m trying find a present for my sisters baby shower tomorrow. Oh are you offering me help me find something? Wow I mean hey, if you’re offering. Wait do you have good taste? Ok cool ya you know I was thinking of getting her some type of candle you know. Do you like scented candles? I mean everyone likes them right? Yea okay we can check out a few stores for some scented candles together cool lets go.

Okay so here we are at Bath & Body Works. Yea you can be my personal candle scent testing assistant lol. I like that you’re being useful to me aha. People tend to have to be useful for me before I can like them lol or else I feel like im wasting my time lol. But you seem to be pretty cool so far lol yea I don’t feel like im wasting my time spending it with you. Aha I love the facial expressions you give off. Over all you’re vibe is helpful and sweet but you also have the most mischievous little smirks I kinda love it aha. Oh it that the kinda vibe you go for? Really? Okay interesting. Wait stop smiling for a second. Wow okay I like your resting bitch face! LOL I know some people find it kind of intimidating but I kinda have a thing for it you know its sort of like the challenge lol. And I find that often times there a really sweet girl underneath that face. But not always lol. Here smell this candle. What do you think? Too fruity? Yea I thought so aswell. What kinda scents do you like? Check this one called ocean wave. Okay you know what that suits you. I just get vibe you like nature and stuff. Do you like to think of yourself as adventurous? A little bit yea? I see that.  But you also like stability? I don’t believe you on that not at all lol. No. No its because you haven’t been able to with me most of this time? Okay I believe you. Aha. I like contrast between the sweetness and the feistiness in your gaze. Haha. You know was I was thinking of getting for my sister? One of those gift baskets with bath balms and stuff. But I was just thinking like hypothetically, its my birthday and you bought a bar a soap its like girl what’re trying to say about me? lol how dare you, you got something to say, say to my face lolol. I would totally break up with you if did that lolol. You know what so funny, we never really properly introduced ourselves. Yea I always like to introduce myself formally and shake hands. Okay so hi, nice to meet you. Wow, very gentle handshake you have there lol. Almost princess like you know. Look I hope you don’t expect to me to start treating you like royalty lol. I’ve been told I have a prince-like aura but generally save my princely-charms for only most deserving of damsel’s lol. Look I think might be developing a crush on you but I feel like we would get to know each other– ohhhh  damn what was that yooooo it wasn’t me. But hey lets check out what happened. Oh shoot lol I guess that little kid knocked over all that stuff oh man lol. You know for some reason I feel like that’s our cue to leave. But for real I wanted to know if you wanted to head over to food court? Yea we can grab some ice coffee perhaps and get to know each other a little better in a non-shopping context. How does that sound? Cool alright lets go.

Yea I usually like this place they’ve got some good stuff. I like grabbing ice coffee as opposed coffee. It just feels like a treat. Regular coffee just feels like a habit you know. Okay that’s a big menu they got. I kinda like chai lattes. What do you think? Yea okay. Oh really you want to pay for us both? Umm sure yea thanks so much! Let me ask you, how long did it take for you to find your style? Yea okay. Wait what do you mean you don’t want to admit you inspiration from social media? I find that interesting. No seriously I don’t think everyone says that. Some people would be fine just saying that they got their ideas from a certain source. But you don’t. I wonder why that is.. Is it because you want to believe that the way you express yourself uniquely comes from you? Yea I get that that makes sense. Yea and it can take a long time to figure out how to express yourself. It’s a journey of self-discovery. I’m glad you figured yourself out. Okay let’s grab our lattes and find a place to sit. I like comfortable chairs I don’t hard plastic ones. Yea lets get a booth. Something near windows so we have some scenery. I also don’t like sitting across from people. No way has it just felt so formal and confrontational. I feel like we’ve moved passed that point you know. Okay yea this looks good lets sit here. Whats that? Oh yea I do like sushi. I really like wasabi I could eat the whole wasabi. You know I get the vibe that you’re not from here. Really? Hour and half drive away? Oh shoot you’re from a small town? Wow. Just a small town girl, in the big city for the day. Looking for adventure lol. Cool. Can I try wearing your rings? You can try wearing mine. Whoa this ring is tiny was this on you’re index? Lol this fits perfectly for my pinky lol. Here try mine. Yea that’s not gunna fit at all lol. Tell me whats a pet peeve that you have. Actually first ill tell you one of mine and then you can tell me one of yours. So a pet peeve I have is when sort of like when I meet a girl, who is just a little too into her self image and is just over all high maintenance.  You know? I means its totally cool to work on your style and to have nice things but I it can be over done. I really appreciate when I meet a girl is willing to just maybe wear a hoodie and like sneakers and just wants to comfortable. Somebody who doesn’t also need the latest stuff to feel like their keeping up others. Independence. That’s something that I feel like you have, or at least strive for, and I like that. Now tell whats a pet peeve you have? Okay I see. Yea I agree. Yea I hate it when people do that aswell. Its so true. Its super annoying when you like something or you have an interest in something and other people just feel the need to dump all over it. Mhmm. But tell me, how does that make you feel when that happens to you? Yea facts that makes so much sense. We tend to really attach our identities to things we our passionate about. When someone criticizes those things or even demonizes those things, it can almost indirectly feel like their attacking us. It’s tough I get it. Hey, so tell me a time when something like this happened to you. Oh my god really? When everyone in your small town found out you were bi? That’s so insane! How did everyone react? Oh man. I’m sorry. Wait for real? Some other people came out after you did? Wow that means you were a trend-setter for your whole town that’s amazing. So cool so brave. I liked that a lot. What would you do if I took a sip out of your latte? You wouldn’t care okay don’t mind if I do. Let me know if it tastes better now. What do you mean it tastes the same? Are you sure lol? What would do you if I kissed you? You gunna freak out? Yea I know I’m a gentleman. It’s because it’s daytime right now. If we had met each other at night it would over and out by now lol. I might wanna take you out some night but I’d have to kiss you first to see if I’d even like it. Come here. *kiss*. I like the taste of your chap stick. Hey look I’m gunna have to go soon so lets head over to the exit soon.

We’re almost out of time now. I get that you want to stay strangers after today. We live really far away. Yea so no # no IG no nothing. I guess we’re just gunna break it off clean. I was nice having you as my girlfriend for past 2 hours lol. Come here. Oh yea for sure you’re welcome. You don’t have to thank me for the day, you were a part of the just as much as I was. Gimme a kiss. *kiss*. Maybe we will see each other again someday. We’ll be in each other’s hearts until then.

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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