Manny ASMR

ASMR Tsundere Carries You Home After a Party!

Stalk Me:

ASMR Tsundere Carries You Home After a Party! [ESFPxENFJ] [M4F]


You’ve been dating your crush for quite some time now. At first it’s been great, because he has been getting you to leave your comfort zone, and loosen up a lot more. He’s helped you a ton with building social confidence, and you couldn’t be more thankful. However, sometimes he just wants to party TOO much, and it’s difficult for you to keep up. In fact, partying and hanging out with friends is all he ever really wants to talk about. You are starting to wonder if you two are really meant to be together after all…

Extended Version on Patreon

Story: You’ve been dating your crush for quite some time now. At first it’s been great, because he has been getting you to leave your comfort zone, and loosen up a lot more. He’s helped you a ton with building social confidence, and you couldn’t be more thankful. However, sometimes he just wants to party TOO much, and it’s difficult for you to keep up. In fact, partying and hanging out with friends is all he ever really wants to talk about. You are starting to wonder if you two are really meant to be together after all…


Ayye wasss guuud. You girls enjoying yourselves? I swear I always hear that bachelorette parties are always WAY wilder than bachelor parties, but you ladies just never share the details with us guys lol.. yo hold up.. hold up.. Yo ricky save some for me you know hahaha.. its getting crazy over here you don’t even know.. oh shoot what happened? You wanna go home? Yea so, go home then I see you later.. wait what do you need, why do I have come over there. Oh come on.. naw are you serious?.. you stepped on something sharp? Probably like glass or something.. Why weren’t you wearing shoes? What do you mean lost them lolol girl you are such trouble. Ok where you girls at again? Black flamingo.. ok cool me and the guys are at pyramid club so ill take an uber and be over there in like 20 minutes or so, just get yourself outside the club.. yea I had a couple drinks but im good.. sit tight babe ill there for ya soon.


Hey I glad I finally found you guys there so many people just partying on the streets right now and its not even midnight yet. Oh shoot babe you don’t look to good. Hey Stacy could you fill me in on what happened? Yea I she doesn’t really look drunk just kinda sick. She ate too much huh? That sounds a lot like her. But what happened to her foot? Ok I see. Not a problem ill just get her back over to closest subway station shouldn’t be too bad. Hey thanks for staying outside with her stacy your good friend. You know you look pretty good in that dress lol. Thanks again ok and enjoy the rest of your night. Yea bye.


Hey you good? Cool well get up. Hm? What do you mean? How you gunna get home if you don’t plan on getting up? Ugh for real? You want me to carry you? Do I look like a pack mule lol? Oh my god jeez I thought you just wanted me to show up. What you mean im being insensitive? I had to leave a killer bachelor party for this. And the guys were all giving me crap having to ditch early for my girlfriend like sheesh. But fine alright ill spot you this one time since you’re just so gorgeous. Alright come here. Up up up. No we cant do a piggyback ride lol your wearing a tight skirt lol. And a short one too sheesh be careful lol some of these people might see ya panties lol. Alright alright, well hit the subway and and then just like a straight 15 minutes home no worries. I seriously cant believe you lost your shoes lol. Dancing a little too much eh? They broke? Seriously? Those things looked kinda cheap lol so im not surprised. But other than all this, how was your night? Good good. Yea I was having a pretty exciting night too. Yea oh man Ricky almost died he was talking this tall blonde who im pretty sure was like a model or something and yea lol omg this girl was actually diggin his vibe but obviously her 7 foot tall mafia boss looking boyfriend showed up from behind oh my god you shoulda seen rickys face man lolol straight tomato. But this mafia dude was playing it cool cause like he knew who was lol but yo for real he was like ‘ayye buddy boi she gorgeous aint she? Why don’t try askin her for her number huh?’ oh man that guy was kind of a g lol. But for real can you believe Tyler and Jessica are actually getting married? I don’t know it seems kinda surreal to me. Honestly I tried talkin out of it if im being totally honest. What?! I wasn’t trying that hard. We’ve all known each other for so long. And its just like Tylers never really been with anyone but Jessica before so its like he’s just too naïve. Look no disrespect to Jessica shes a great girl. But she’s just a lot more mature than him you know? Shes actually left her home town, seen stuff, met people, been with other dudes. But tyler just been pining over jeff since like highschool like. Omg ikr right its always soo obvious lmao. I remember like when were 17 he tried telling us all some lie like he went to some rave or something and like he taking body shot off hot girls and we were like naw bro you wildin like naw lolol. Mr. captain of the debate team takin body shot off of like naw lol come on. The man’s kinda switch up though he actually tells that story a lot but the details are inconsistent so I know its cap. When you were single did you ever let guys take body shot off of you? Don’t lie to me lol. Its ok I don’t judge. Yea ive done it. Yea honestly tru though it is kinda gross. Like I used to see people doing and its actually so weird because the girl will have like tequila in her belly button and like salt on her chest and its just LOL I just realized how drunk you have to be to ever do that shit lol. Its funny though. Kind of a turn on too. Oh you’re cold? You want my jacket? Nah sorry  kind of have my hands full at the moment lol. Look were gunna enter to subway really soon in fact were right here lets go.


Dating inside friends groups isn’t really something of done you know? I mean of course before we started dating of course. Tyler and Jessica actually just love it the idea of it though. Ever notice how they are both obsessed with watching friends and how I met your mother? Yea ever been to their condo, both those shows are playing constantly. I remember they let me crash one night and it was one while we were eating breakfast and they were like quoting things like mad and they even know they names of episodes omg tv junkies lol. So funny. Both those shows are about a bunch friends who just start dating each other and I think they wanted their lives to be like tv lol. Yea for real I’ve only just dating girls that I met in like bars and clubs. Yea idk im just addicted to hitting on girls literally everywhere lol. Yea know its actually crazy how many people ive dating who were just complete strangers. I like it though. It can be totally romantic. I once met this guy, cant remember his name but he met his girl at a farmers market. Yea it was like really spontaneous and everything.  Oh man  stuff like that is so much fun I miss it. Lol not that I don’t enjoy bein with you. But I like they way we got together too. I mean its cool were all just a big group of singles ready to mingle lol and then idk even remember how but we just wound up hanging out 1 on 1 at a house party. Yea I know I liked you after a realized that you when didn’t feel the need to blow you off to hit on other girls and stuff lol. I think we’re almost here. Do you like taking the subway? I like it its simple. I remember seeing some teenager rip the subway map right off the wall. Lol he just rolled it up like a poster and put it in his backpack. Then me and this cute girl sitting across from made eye contact and were just laughing at the scene and, what? Ok yea fine I wont talk about that stuff. Whatever she was nobody. She was nobody whats your deal? Whatever. Ok our stop is here. Lets go.


Ok here we are in the bedroom. Im gunna plop you on the bed now lol. Comfy? Look let look at your foot. Aye don’t kick me. don’t tell your mad for something I didn’t do nothing. Oh shoot I see. You got a splinter. Hold up I got it. Yoink. Lol yea check it this is culprit right here. Sheesh look at the time its only midnight. Look I’ve got a couple drinks in me I umm I got some stuff to do. I wanna party more you know. Uhh people are waiting on me to get back. Oh don’t pout. Yea you kinda messed with my night but its fine I forgive you since your such a doll. Lol okay you know what sure we can a little time for ourselves come here you..

manny ASMR

Aspiring ASMR Artist | Internets favorite e-boyfriend.

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